Specialties Government


I noticed someone had started a thread to rally up nurses applying to the USAGPAN class starting this year so I thought I'd do the same for next year's class! I'll be speaking with a recruiter soon, but I hope to begin the application process very soon! I have about 2 years of critical care experience, just took my GRE and I'm scheduled to take my CCRN next month. I'll be doing that biochem class sometimes before June as well. Anyone else out there applying for next year's Army Nurse Anesthesia Program?

What was Phase 2 like at Fort Bragg?

If you look at post #113 on this thread, I detailed my experience at Fort Bragg. :up:

Hello all,

I have tremendously enjoyed reading about your USAGPAN application experiences - they truly have been helpful to me. My father served in the Army for 30 years and this program has been my goal for 5 years now.

I am looking to apply in 2018 for the June 2019 class. By the time of application I would have 1.5 years of combined SICU/MICU/CICU experience with (hopefully) a CCRN as well. I will be taking my GRE in November and plan on contacting a recruiter afterwards.

Is only 1.5 years of ICU experience honestly enough to be accepted?

  • I know there are multiple factors such as the application pool/ other aspects of my application - but in general will one year of experience be adequate enough for me to be accepted and also be able to handle the first semester? The closer I get to applying the more insecure about my experience I become:(.

According to the current application requirements, one year is sufficient

Has anyone heard back from NEU yet? I know it's probably too soon, but the waiting is killing me! haha

Has anyone heard back from NEU yet? I know it's probably too soon, but the waiting is killing me! haha

I would imagine we won't hear anything until after the Army board meets 31OCT2017. I've been told maybe November. I think there was an Army board in June this year as well, and a few people got acceptance letters in late July. @FLnursing2015, does that sound right? When was your board and when did you find out?

I would imagine we won't hear anything until after the Army board meets 31OCT2017. I've been told maybe November. I think there was an Army board in June this year as well, and a few people got acceptance letters in late July. @FLnursing2015, does that sound right? When was your board and when did you find out?

Interesting. I was told that I would need the acceptance letter to go with my packet for the November board. Guess we just have to wait and see. Lol

Interesting. I was told that I would need the acceptance letter to go with my packet for the November board. Guess we just have to wait and see. Lol

If you're on Instagram, search for #usagpan. A guy on there posted his acceptance letter for this year. I assume he went before the June 2017 board. His acceptance letter from NEU/ USAGPAN is dated 31JUL2017. If it's similar for us, we should hear in NOV/DEC, since our board is in OCT. A 2016 grad told me she found out NOV of the same year she applied. But you're right, regardless, we have to wait and see.

If you're on Instagram, search for #usagpan. A guy on there posted his acceptance letter for this year. I assume he went before the June 2017 board. His acceptance letter from NEU/ USAGPAN is dated 31JUL2017. If it's similar for us, we should hear in NOV/DEC, since our board is in OCT. A 2016 grad told me she found out NOV of the same year she applied. But you're right, regardless, we have to wait and see.

Okay, awesome. I like your detective skills! I'll have to simmer down and wait!

My school application is complete. I still need to do MEPS and an interview. I had heard we should here back on acceptance NOV/DEC as well.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Adams, and I quote, we will be notified of acceptance during "the first week of November."

According to Lieutenant Colonel Adams, and I quote, we will be notified of acceptance during "the first week of November."

Okay awesome. Thanks for the update!

Does anyone know if the interview days are always Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday? I'm having a hard time getting off work to go to some of days because I work night shift.

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