Specialties Government


I noticed someone had started a thread to rally up nurses applying to the USAGPAN class starting this year so I thought I'd do the same for next year's class! I'll be speaking with a recruiter soon, but I hope to begin the application process very soon! I have about 2 years of critical care experience, just took my GRE and I'm scheduled to take my CCRN next month. I'll be doing that biochem class sometimes before June as well. Anyone else out there applying for next year's Army Nurse Anesthesia Program?

Hey Guys,

I'm in the process of doing both applications and I was wondering if any of you would be able to answer a couple of questions that I might have. I spoke to someone at NEU and was told to leave the third recommendation blank for the Phase 2 director to upload their recommendation. However, when I tried to submit the NEU application without that recommendation it says that my application is incomplete due to that last recommendation not being there. Can anyone please advise. I'm trying to make the September 1st deadline for NEU. I would really appreciated any advice you guys might have.

I would imagine your NEU application wouldn't be complete until your Phase 2 Director's LoR is submitted. When is your Phase 2 interview? I submitted my NEU application prior to my Phase 2 interview, but I had 3 other LoRs. My Phase 2 Director emailed his LoR directly to the college. It's my understanding that others had their Phase 2 interviews, emailed the director the NEU link, and submitted the NEU application when the LoR was marked as completed.

I would really appreciated any advice you guys might have.

You might also want to reach out to LTC Adams, DNP, CRNA ([email protected]). He's the Deputy Director for Administration at the USAGPAN. He's been very helpful to me, and he can help facilitate your Phase 2 interview as well if needed. Good luck!

Hey Guys,

I'm in the process of doing both applications and I was wondering if any of you would be able to answer a couple of questions that I might have. I spoke to someone at NEU and was told to leave the third recommendation blank for the Phase 2 director to upload their recommendation. However, when I tried to submit the NEU application without that recommendation it says that my application is incomplete due to that last recommendation not being there. Can anyone please advise. I'm trying to make the September 1st deadline for NEU. I would really appreciated any advice you guys might have.

You can provide a third reference (e.g. someone from work) just to submit your application and after your phase 2 interview add the name of your phase 2 director. I believe you can submit additional names after submitting application. I had a total of 4 references also- the 4th one was from phase 2 director.

Hey Guys,

I'm in the process of doing both applications and I was wondering if any of you would be able to answer a couple of questions that I might have. I spoke to someone at NEU and was told to leave the third recommendation blank for the Phase 2 director to upload their recommendation. However, when I tried to submit the NEU application without that recommendation it says that my application is incomplete due to that last recommendation not being there. Can anyone please advise. I'm trying to make the September 1st deadline for NEU. I would really appreciated any advice you guys might have.


Did you get things squared away?


Thank you for asking. Sorry it took a while to respond. I've been working some insane hours lately since I just switched to nights and I'm also working as a Wound Nurse. I spoke to NEU and she said I'll be fine. I just put the recruiter's email for the third reference which he will forward to the Phase 2 director. I have MEPs this Thursday which I'm not looking forward to but I just want to get the process rolling. Has anyone else had their phase 2.

Hi wanted to introduce myself. I am waiting on appointment to MEPS and a phase 2 interview.

Look forward to meeting everyone

Well, today's the deadline for application. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone!

Well, today's the deadline for application. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone!

I was just thinking the same! Fingers crossed!

... I have MEPs this Thursday...

How'd it go?

Meps was fine. I'm waiting for phase two which should be in NC. Really trying to make the October deadline.

... I'm waiting for phase two which should be in NC...

I had my Phase 2 at Fort Bragg last month. It was a great time. Good luck!

What was Phase 2 like at Fort Bragg?

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