USAF 2012 NTP Board

Specialties Government


Forum for any and all discussions about the upcoming nurse transition program selection board for the USAF in 2012

I have also heard that prior service can work for or against you based. Immediately you would think prior service would be welcomed with open arms, but I also heard many on the boards prefer people with a clean slate or some that have a negative view with prior enlisted personnel. Personally I would think prior service would weigh heavily on whether or not I would get accepted. I spent 11 years in the Navy. After Finishing my BSCS I figured it was time to take the world by storm so I regrettably got out. Ever since that decision I have always missed being a part of the military. Therefore, the past 3 years of school have been in total preparation for the Air Force. Having to wait another 2-4 weeks is going to drive me nuts!

Holy crap I go like 3 days without checking this thread and come back to find like 5 more pages since I last logged on! You guys are all great it sure is fun read everybody's stressed out comments and know I'm not alone haha! I hope SN2013s recruiter is tellin the truth and those numbers are correct....46 spots for 110 applicants is actually really good odds as far as commissioning boards go! At least in my experience...

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Wow, it's been some time since I have revisited the board too, but I'm glad everyone is still conversing and venting out their stress.

I sure hope those numbers are correct! anyone else hear from their recruiter? I haven't but I'm also trying to give mine a break.

Hope everyone's time will go by fast until we hear back. I've just been volunteering in a military hospital as a nurse so people there are also anxious to know.

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Thank goodness the Olympics are on!!! That is keeping me entertained and busy :)

The Olympics have been helping pass time but just starting to get anxious over the results. 8 more days till we possibly find out! It's countdown time! Anyone hear anymore news on the number of applicants and total openings? I've read 46 openings. Any new numbers? Wishing everyone luck!!!!

Specializes in Emergency Department.
The Olympics have been helping pass time but just starting to get anxious over the results. 8 more days till we possibly find out! It's countdown time! Anyone hear anymore news on the number of applicants and total openings? I've read 46 openings. Any new numbers? Wishing everyone luck!!!!

I haven't heard anything new..but I'm doing my countdown from the 24th..simply because it may be longer than the tenth til we find out..but either way..we find out this month :)

OMG! i just now came across this thread and I couldn't be more excited to find a board full of members that are feeling the same exact things I am! VERY anxious and excited! I have read every page and post up until now and I have come across a couple other members that went through my same recruiter in Colorado! :) Which by the way, he was AWESOME and worked very, very hard for me/us! All of us worked very hard at just getting this point in the application process and I wish the best of luck to every single one of you! We are eachothers competition and to get together on this board already shows the comradery and support we have for eachother! I myself, applied for Med/Surg. I wish time flew by... :)

I received an e-mail from my recruiter on Monday stating that it was looking like the August 10th release date was not very likely anymore. Apparently the Commander of Recruiting has to sign off on the final list and because he travels a lot its looking like it may be a few extra weeks. I know most of you were already told late August but for those of us counting down to the 10th, don't be surprised if we have to wait even longer. I just hope we're/I'm able to get an 15 Oct COT date.

If I was reading correctly, the board met up the 24th or 25th of July and they possibly already knew the selectees after those days. Do any of you know if they called or contacted any of your references?

I haven't heard anything. Are we supposed to find out if they've called our references? I'll have to contact mine and see if they've received any calls. But I'm sure they call all applicants references, right?

I would definitely think so, was just wondering if anyone had heard from their references saying someone called them about you because none of my references have said anything to me yet!

They didn't contact mine! I really don't think it would be a good thing if they did though because the letters of recommendation and 1373s should have answered their questions about what they are looking for. They have a very busy schedule! If you mean the references on the packet then I don't know!

I agree with AFhopeful in that they are probably too busy to have time to call references and that everything they needed should have been on the 1373s and letters of recommendation already. If you assume there are at least 84 total applicants, and each person has 3-5 references, you're looking at 300-400 people they would have to call...I just don't find it likely that they would call all of those people.

As far as updates go, I've got nothing...I emailed my recruiter this morning and he said he didn't have any updates on number of applicants, number of positions, etc, and that it was still looking like August 10 will be the release date.

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