USA Fall 2015

Nursing Students NP Students


Has anyone applied to South Alabama's Fall 2015 program? I applied to the FNP program. I see from other threads that Nursing CAS recalculates your GPA (usually lower than expected). I can't figure out how to see their GPA calculation. Is anyone else able to see this?

Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Did anyone else receive this email? I'm not seeing it in my inbox or junk mail

I've seen in past threads from past years that other times where emails were sent out many people reported on here that they did not receive the email. There were only 137 contacts addressed in the email

hmm..that's a little uncool if that is the case. Unless that is a sign that I just didn't get accepted. Not sure how many applicants they take. When you guys emailed them asking for updates who did you email? and is this the same individual who emailed you back? Thanks for all the info

hmm..that's a little uncool if that is the case. Unless that is a sign that I just didn't get accepted. Not sure how many applicants they take. When you guys emailed them asking for updates who did you email? and is this the same individual who emailed you back? Thanks for all the info

When I read previous years posts where people were like "I got the email" or "I didn't get the email" there was no correlation between getting accepted and receiving the email.

When I emailed asking for updates I used the congrad email. But, I did not email asking for updates again. I just received this email randomly today without inquiring. This email was not from the congrad email, it was from a personal email but then signed by a name that was different than the email address.

I don't think it's correlated either. I never received an email stating my application was complete. Some people did. This is my second time applying to USA, first email I've ever received spontaneously.

I emailed congradap a couple weeks ago and never got a response. The lady that sent this email and the lady that signed this email are names I've never heard. I applied to the AGPCNP program. I have a 2.9 so I really don't think I'm accepted. That's the real reason I don't think its correlated!;)

I never received that email stating that my application was complete either

Thank you both for the info and the reassurance! I applied for the dual role NP (FNP plus ACGNP). Good luck to you!

I just got an email from USA saying I was accepted and to expect the official packet in the mail by July 8th! Good luck to everyone!

Congratulations, adsrn! I got my acceptance email too. FINALLY! It's hard to be excited after waiting this long. It's going to be hard to plan around my work schedule since we found out so late. I hope it still works out. Good luck to everyone else who is still waiting.

Specializes in Public health, NICU, teaching,.

Woohoo! I'm in too! Excited, scared

Congrats everyone! Yeah, I'm not sure how to feel either. There is a lot to plan for financially and with work schedules in a short amount of time! Excited and nervous at the same time!

I got an acceptance as well. It's definitely frustrating that we have such little time to do everything but this school was my first choice due to it having a dual role option.

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