URGENT: I need help about caffeine

Nurses General Nursing


Please, i need help about the ideal concentration for the dilution of caffeine IV (60mg/3ml). It's the first time i use this medication.


Specializes in Cardiac.
Since oral caffeine has been used for asthmatic patients ( http://www.cochrane.org/reviews/en/ab001112.html ) I wouldn't think that the IV version would be considered off-label usage.

For sure. All asthmatics know that caffeine is helpful for asthma attacks. When I'm having an attack, and I can't get to my inhaler, I reach for a nice hot cup of coffee. It's a natural bronchodilator.

forgiveness for my English, I'm Colombian, and what I want to know with precision how dilution is in neonatal care: the must have in mg / ml for preterm


forgiveness for my English, I'm Colombian, and what I want to know with precision how dilution is in neonatal care: the must have in mg / ml for preterm


Specializes in NICU III/Transport.

For apnea of prematurity, as already noted, 20mg/ml (60mg/3ml) is the appropriate concentration. Loading dose 20-40mg/kg and maintenance dose 5-8mg/kg/day q24hours after loading dose. No dilution necessary.

example: 1kg patient = 20mg loading dose ordered = 1ml ... maintenance dose ordered for 24 hours later 5mg/kg/dose = 0.25ml IV q 24hours.

And general practice doesn't monitor caffeine levels anymore.

Specializes in ICU.

hypocaffeinemia should know.:D

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

I've seen it PO (for after spinal taps), but I've never seen it IV. We usually fly out really sick babies, we're not equipped for it. Good to know and file away in the old brain box....

Specializes in med-surg 5 years geriatrics 12 years.

Saw it used once during ECT.....doctor explained it potentiated ECT; that a lower setting was needed for same results. Of course that was many years ago.

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