update on UK TO USA

World UK


noticed that there are old threads resurfacing on the immigration from the uk to the usa, so thought that with all the newbies on the site and us oldies who have done it all and are now settled, will start all over again. some of the information has changed so much because of the retrogression and the state of the american economy, the disasters in the areas where you might have been going, and of course the new president that they are going to have. also, theres some of us who have completed the agency thing or come on our own, and we all have different experiences. its really difficult to translate the differences between some things but will try to help, as will madwife, betty boop, silverdragon, rgn1, sue, letina etc, etc

dropped you all in here now havent i ?

Specializes in Oncology, Palliative care.
what is retogression? i trained as an rn the "old fashioned way" as well. having a horrible feeling just now as am waiting for my authorisation to test for my nclex. i am from scotland but live in florida. had credentials checked by an agency as required by florida board of nursing. the agency took forever and in the end seemed to mess up the hours from my transcripts. their outcome was that i had equivelant of graduating fron a hospital school of nursing in the us but lacked full course in anatomy,physiology, psychology, sociology, nutrition and pharmacology! ahhhh!!! now the board are reviewing. has any one had this problem and what do you think the outcome will be?


i have pm'd you :nuke:

Specializes in Midwifery. Occupational Health.

I have been looking through many postings and wonder if anyone can point me to a post that lists what you need to do and what order to do it in!

I am already resident in USA (Bay Area, California). I have a Green Card (my husband is American).

I haven't worked since we arrived (July 2007)

I'm a midwife.

Was working 30 hours/week as Delivery Unit G grade before we left.

Qualified SRN (yes really!) in 1983 and RM in 1985 (Queen Elizabeth School of Nursing, Birmingham and Birmingham Maternity). Have 997/8 and asesment of newborn. Don't have a degree. Have always worked apart from a year off between two of the children.

I am completely confused as most people's posts (understandably) focus on getting in/getting sponsored.:uhoh21:

Would be grateful for any advice at all!

Thanks in advance.

Specializes in Dialysis, Nephrology & Cosmetic Surgery.

You need to contact the California BONs website and complete the documents there. This will include a verification of education that needs to be completed by your old school of nursing, as like me you done the "traditional" nurse training your records should be held by whatever university took over nurse training for your hospital. It seems that those of us that did the old type of nurse training meet the requirements as we covered the minimum hours in med/surg, paeds, mental health, community, maternity etc.

You will also need the NMC to complete aq statement confiming what part of the register you're on.

Once the BON are happy with all your paperwork that will allow you to sit the NCLEX, which you need to pass before that issue you with a license. Wishing you well.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

As said by Jane you need to submit an application to the BRN. If you have an issue getting hold on your transcripts the NMC should be able to send something saying you meet X hours. Once given eligibility you will need to sit and pass NCLEX and we have a great NCLEX forum under the student tab

Specializes in Midwifery. Occupational Health.

Thanks so much LiverpoolJane and Snapdragon.

It is amazing how difficult it is to find out what to do. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent trying to work it out and I'm really grateful for the advice.

Did either of you have problems with the psychiatry element? I only did 8 weeks during training although I've done some courses since on postnatal depression...and looked after women with postnatal deoression. I wonder if that counts?!

Specializes in Dialysis, Nephrology & Cosmetic Surgery.

I only done 8 weeks clinical - 300 hours in total which was enough, I can't remember how many hours theory I did the minimum would have been 37.5 hours I think.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I did conversion course and 150 hours both clinical and theory and this was enough for 2 states.

Specializes in Midwifery. Occupational Health.

Thanks, that is reassuring!

I have the headache of trying to work out who now administers what was my school of nursing and I'm handicapped by the 8 hour time difference! Unless I call by 8.00 a.m. our time everyone seems to have gone home for the day!

Specializes in Perioperative Services.

Hi PA Brit - I did my EN at the QE in 1981 and worked on Ward 7 at the Birmingham Maternity (Matty) 1981-1983 and also 1985. I`m sure we know a few of the same people from there! I know a lot of the midwives! I moved here in 1989 - would love to catch up and perhaps offer advice to a fellow Brit, Blossom48

Hi Blossom48,

I am a new member, just joined this site. I need advise really, finished my adulting nursing in march this year and passed, i will like to go to the state in the future to pratice midwife. can you please tell me how i can go about it please.

Feel really guilty did not post when originaly got the shout from cariad.

It took me 6 yrs to get here and at times i lost hope but kept on pushing and am so glad i did we have been here since May 08 love the life love my job and i have had a majot issue with my health since i arrived but am now the healthiest and fittest and thinest iv been in 20yrs the American health system actualy diagnosed and cured my chronich lung problem iv had for 20yrs although am now faced with a $10,000+ co pay on my medical bill i can honestly say i love every single day there are ups and downs but in the UK we had the ups and downs and i wold rather have ups and down under blue skys sunshine and of course in a job a adore, i feel more valued as a RN here thani ever did in the UK my pt ratio is now 1:4 i am the bedside nurse i trained to be my stress levels as far as my work are concerned are non existent and of course i have a gorgous house with a pool somthing i could only dream about in the UK.

Truely i drive to and from work and i still carnt beleive we are here.

My eldest DD went back to the UK because after 6 yrs her life changed and she had a BF he also wants to live here but i see no way he can come she still has her green card but how long she will be allowed to keep it we will have to wait and see, my youngest DD has a truely fantastic life she has a wonderful job has learned to drive and has her own car and is off on a cruise in september none of this would have been possible in the UK.

We are all even comming aclimatized to the AZ heat i have always loved the hot hot weather but DD and DH struggled at 1st but not any more we love it.

In the morning i go home and jump in my pool how many UK nurses can say that.

Stick with it for all you on the long road it is truely worth the wait.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou :)

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