I was under the impression from a legal standpoint that if your unit is short staffed and you get unsafe pt. assignments due to it, the safe thing to do to protect your license and not get accused of patient abandoment is to do the best you can and "write it up" as an incident report. For the incident report is to prove you tried to fix the problem but administration won't fix it, and it proves to the courts (incase there's problems) and the jury that if something were to happen because of this, then the jury would be more sympathetic to the bedside nurse for trying and notifying the right people. At my hospital, I found out that one of the nursing administrators told us that it was innapropriate to use the write up system for that purpose. I feel that is wrong.
what you all think? and any advice on how we can have legal paperwork when staffing isn't good but yet you are expected to work like you are fully staffed.