Published Oct 10, 2014
Missingyou, CNA
718 Posts
Just a gentle reminder because I recently experienced some things that were a little unnerving for me and for one of my residents.
When giving care to a resident who may not APPEAR to be alert or understand, remember you really don't know what they can hear and understand!
I have a resident who appears to not be "with it" because she is heavily medicated for pain. She has said to me, in her brief moments of being alert that she is afraid to die. Without a doubt, she has heard some of the conversations about her.
I've heard other CNA's say things like "eww look at her skin! it's all yellow!" or how they hate seeing her in such pain, and they hope she dies soon so she doesn't suffer!
I immediately hush them.
Before we go into the room (she is a 2 assist) I remind the other aide that she can hear you even if it doesn't seem like it.
It happens often so, I just wanted to remind others to be aware and to not do this to the people they care for....because you just never know...
739 Posts
That's horrible for them to say things like that in front of a patient! Even people in comas can recall things said while they were "asleep". And you are right, you never know what they hear and what they don't. I even talk to my deaf patients...sounds silly I know, but hey. You sound like a very caring, respectful CNA...kudos!
843 Posts
Thank you for your respect and care for your residents and the courage and integrity you show in addressing these issues with your coworkers. It's not always easy to advocate for your residents when coworkers have other ideas. Keep your standards up, healthcare needs people like you.
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
Just keep reminding them that hearing is the last thing to go! They apparently cannot stress that enough in CNA class. I admire your compassion you appear to demonstrate :)
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
Awful. We may not always keep in mind patients may hear us, but there are some things you just never say at the bedside. Continue to remind them to watch what they say when they are around their patients.
10 Posts
Yes, hearing is the last sense to go and they can hear you. God bless you for your caring and compassionate nature and those patients are lucky to have you. Thank you for all that you do.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Good for you! I always assume my patients can hear me.
28 Posts
Thanks for the post...yes, this is very important! This is something that I already knew (my first semester clinical instructor taught us to always assume that the patient can hear and understand us, even if it doesn't seem like it) but this was a good reminder as I start my career. You sound like a great nurse who really cares about your patients.
3 Posts
Glad to see u have compassion and empathy for ur client. Hearing is the last sense to go. You never know what they may or may nor hear so don't say things you wouldn't want someone to say if you were in that situation.