University of Washington SoN Fall 2013

U.S.A. Washington


Anyone applying to the UW SoN for fall 2013? Anyone else FREAKING OUT about it like I am?

It's taking forever to get here & with that post about applicants getting acceptance letters by 15 April on the blog, it made me think they were done with the applicants review & were sending letters out...slightly got my hopes up, but it's been a week so guessing I was wrong...sigh..its gotten so bad I've taken up doing the Insanity workout videos to occupy my time at night after the kids go to bed to distract me lol (well that & I have a PT test in April)

I'm gonna go eat some type of chocolate now...1 day closer to April I guess ;)

It's taking forever to get here & with that post about applicants getting acceptance letters by 15 April on the blog, it made me think they were done with the applicants review & were sending letters out...slightly got my hopes up, but it's been a week so guessing I was wrong...sigh..its gotten so bad I've taken up doing the Insanity workout videos to occupy my time at night after the kids go to bed to distract me lol (well that & I have a PT test in April)

I'm gonna go eat some type of chocolate now...1 day closer to April I guess ;)

Well at least you have chosen something healthy to channel the anxiety into ;) I'm more of the chocolate camp ;)

I did not get the letter in the mail and I applied to undergrad about 2 weeks before the SoN deadline (per the instructions, which I have to say I was surprised with the leniency on the timing for that considering how much strict obedience to the instructions they stress on everything else).

Boy I do not miss PT tests!!!

This blog helps quite a lot with the waiting, thanks y'all. I will be shocked if I am accepted but I am still hoping. After the mess that was my 1 hour essay I have a feeling the "thanks, but no thanks" letter is on its way but hopefully I am accepted to the university and I can take more classes toward my degree and reapply next year. The site says transfer students won't hear about acceptance until mid June so if I don't get into SoN I will be waiting another 2 months for news. That and all the ADN program acceptance letters I am certain to be getting.:D

Scratch that... I WILL be getting in to SoN. If you beleive, you achieve! :yes:

Yes, stay as positive as you can....but boy it's really hard to do some days! I'm so thankful for this blog, it's helped me with calming my nerves for that "fabulous" essay we had to do & it's also a way to check to see if anyone has gotten a letter or email...I don't get home from work until usually 6pm, and with my hubby TDY, I'm the only one to check the mail :wacky:

I had to break out my stash of emergency chocolate ice cream this morning at 0900 due to a bunch of crap at work, so I'm hoping the rest of the day is uneventful! hope all of you are having a good's almost the weeked! :D

Boy I do not miss PT tests!!!

Lol, I'm sure you don't! I wouldn't miss them either...but it sure is motivation to work out when so much is riding on that pass or fail, ugh so frustrating sometimes but it's making me to be a healthier person, so I shouldn't complain too much ;)

Hi Everyone:

I was freaking out because I didn't get the email about setting up an account - I thought for sure that meant I hadn't been accepted....but this is what I just found out.

Every applicant to the University of Washington gets an email to set up a UWNet ID. This allows you to log into the UW network and check application status. Once you are admitted to the U, you will get a student ID number as well and then you'll be able to use the UW network to register, pay for classes, set up UW email, etc.....

The other thing I found out is that for those of us who haven't received the email yet, DON'T PANIC. I, of course, panicked. HA HA. Eventually we will all get that email.

So there's the reason behind the request to set up UW Net accounts. If you are accepted to the UW, this will eventually become your user name for your email.

Hope that clears stuff up for you all!

Only one more month to go! :) I'm truly freaking out. Two weeks ago, my CC told me I wasn't going to graduate with a transfer degree, because in the fall when I met with my advisor and asked her about meeting all the requirements for graduation, she said, "You will! No worries!". Needless to say, I found out there are 20 credits worth of "integrative experiences" that I never took, even though I specifically asked about the necessity to take them at said meeting last fall. So now I've written a letter of appeal to the Dean of Student Services and am waiting anxiously to hear if my 119 credits will translate to a direct transfer/associates in pre-nursing (thereby almost 100% assuring my admission in to the University itself) or not.

On top of that, I started going back through my emails around the time I applied to the University of Washington - three days before the application to the school of nursing was due. I found my standard email saying that my application had been submitted, and my receipt showing I paid my $60 fee. However, with the original email saying my application had been submitted, there was a line that said the University would contact me regarding further instruction within the next couple of weeks. So I was looking for said email, and nothing. I contacted admissions today, and found out that my name is "similar" to the name of a person already in the system, so it seems that my application for admissions was kicked out of the system. I'm not really sure what this is all going to mean for me, especially considering that transfer applications closed almost a month ago, so I can't resubmit.

All I've ever wanted is to be a nurse, and I feel like it's been one hoop after another that I'm expected to jump through, and as soon as I do my "hoop jumping", there's a barricade taking one shape or form in front of me.

Sorry to whine. I know we're all on edge with this waiting game.

But it's not your fault the system kicked your application out! What has admissions said about it since it was the system and not user error? I'm so sorry this is happening now :( like you don't have enough stress!

I hope you get some answers soon!

Specializes in Harm Reduction/Public Health.

The past five years have been crazy and full of stress, but having faith that it will work out eventually is what I'm banking on

I also have had to go through many hoops similar to what you said, as well as stuff from my past which makes it super duper difficult to work out. I feel your pain and you absolutely arena future nurse. Stay cool.

All I've ever wanted is to be a nurse, and I feel like it's been one hoop after another that I'm expected to jump through, and as soon as I do my "hoop jumping", there's a barricade taking one shape or form in front of me.

Sorry to whine. I know we're all on edge with this waiting game.

Oh Sara...... What a headache!! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Hopefully, your SoN app is just fine and UW can fix the undergrad mistake that THEY made. It's hard not to get discouraged and I agree with your "hoop jumping" assessment. It's so much more difficult than it should be. Granted, there's got to be a way to weed out the unfit candidates but for people who've been determined for years, taken the appropriate steps, and demonstrated their intelligence and capability via grades and experience, it should be possible to get into a program. And the first try. Not two, three, four tries later.

I know there's nothing I can say that is going to ease your worries. Hang in there!!

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and cheerleading!!!!!!

I can't wait till we're all classmates! :)


Speaking of hoops and difficulties....

A couple weeks ago, after I was talking about the hoops, essays, applications, fees, entrance exams with more fees, payment to send "official" transcripts to 8 different schools etc..., someone told me if the nursing school thing doesn't "pan out" I should go talk to NASA about being an astronaut. Because it would be easier than getting in to nursing school. haha:roflmao:

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