University of Memphis Hopefuls

U.S.A. Tennessee


Hi. Is there anyone applying to the University of Memphis nursing program for Spring '14?

I'm just ready to hear a yay or nay at this point. I just need to quit worrying so much about this, I wake up and go to bed thinking about this :/

Specializes in Pediatrics, Med-Surg, Infectious Disease.

I just started worrying this week :-l

I feel yalls pain! I'm applying at baptist and some have heard an answer but I haven't heard anything....It's already caused 1 crying fit and a couple anxiety attacks! I want this so bad!!!!

Unionnurse, I know we all want it bad. BUT I am also a firm believer in whats meant to be WILL BE! So I am trying to quit worrying so much and know whatever happens is for a reason, good or bad. BUT we will get in somewhere someday SOON :)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Med-Surg, Infectious Disease.

Yes we will amyinga!!

Vonetta, I tried to PM you, don't think it went through. I still haven't heard anything.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Med-Surg, Infectious Disease.

Hi I just PM you, nothing so far....,still waiting! :-)

Still no news.

Still no news either. I am tempted to call the school of nursing and ask when the letter will go out lol

Specializes in Pediatrics, Med-Surg, Infectious Disease.

My online status today said denied but it doesn't have a reason. I called and left a voicemail. I can't think of any reason except no more seats!! :-(

Mine still says under review??

Check into the RODP program and just make UofM your home school.

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