University of Cincinnati Fall 2018

Nursing Students NP Students


Hi everybody! I just submitted my application for UC's WHNP Fall 2018 Program. Just curious who else has applied or is planning to apply to any of their Fall 2018 NP/CNM programs. Maybe we can keep each other updated as they start to give out acceptance offers and maybe meet some future classmates. Good luck everyone!

Hey guys!

So I was just accepted to UC WHNP for Fall 2018!

I was wanted to connect with others that will be in my cohort!

I am excited to hear back from yall! Thanks(:

Specializes in Emergency Services.

My nursing GPA was 3.25.

Hi guys do you all know what days we would have to be on campus. I know the first few days there is an orientation and on campus days. I haven't been accepted but I haven't received a rejection letter so I'm kind of out of loop as right now. I believe they're the 23rd -25th which is before the days class starts for the university.

I found out today that I was accepted to the CNM program for Fall! I am excited. I also applied to Frontier, but was placed on the waitlist. According to the website, it says there are 2 on campus visits for UC. Does anyone know exactly when the first campus visit is?

Congrats on your acceptance to UC!

Congrats on your acceptance to UC!

Thank you!

Hey was your interview in person video or via phone ? Do you mind sharing. Thank you ! Also how soon after that did that get back with you. I wish you well! Congratulations , and best wishes !

Thank you! I did not have an interview. I am doing the online CNM program. There is no interview for admission into the online CNM program. On the same day my NursingCas application changed to verified status was the same day I paid the $65 UC application fee. Exactly 10 days after that is when I find out I was accepted.

I'm in too!! I think I'm coming! Lol!

Hey guys, congrats to everyone who was accepted!

I applied to UC on May 29th and paid the fee on May 30th. After 3 weeks had passed I called to check on the status of my app and was told it had not gone into review because some of my info had been misplaced. The person I spoke to told me that my application would go into review right away and to check back if I still had not heard anything two weeks after. Well it has been 3 weeks now and when I called I was told they did not know why I still had not heard anything and that it could take about one more week.

I am not sure how to go about this situation. It has now been a month and a half since I applied. This program is my first choice and I am eager to get some good news from them. I also was accepted by my third choice and they want an answer by next week.

At this point I do not think I will hear back from UC before I have to give this school my answer. Any advice on what I should do? I don't want to lose my third choice school and then find out I did not get into UC, but I also don't want to accept their offer if there is a chance I will be accepted to UC.

Will the other school let you defer until the next semester? I did that with one of my schools. I deferred until Spring, so it would give me time to hear back from UC and Frontier. I did have to pay the other school $200, but I just did it because I truly didn't want to lose a seat in another program. I later found out UC and Frontier accepted me for Fall. So yes, I lost $200 in the process, but that's how I dealt with that situation.

Hey guys, congrats to everyone who was accepted!

I applied to UC on May 29th and paid the fee on May 30th. After 3 weeks had passed I called to check on the status of my app and was told it had not gone into review because some of my info had been misplaced. The person I spoke to told me that my application would go into review right away and to check back if I still had not heard anything two weeks after. Well it has been 3 weeks now and when I called I was told they did not know why I still had not heard anything and that it could take about one more week.

I am not sure how to go about this situation. It has now been a month and a half since I applied. This program is my first choice and I am eager to get some good news from them. I also was accepted by my third choice and they want an answer by next week.

At this point I do not think I will hear back from UC before I have to give this school my answer. Any advice on what I should do? I don't want to lose my third choice school and then find out I did not get into UC, but I also don't want to accept their offer if there is a chance I will be accepted to UC.

You should double check if your third choice school requires you to put down a deposit to save your place. If so then you need to ask yourself if it's worth losing the deposit to go to UC if you get in. If they don't require a deposit then you don't have to worry about that. Unless you've accepted a financial aid package from your third choice school I don't think it's necessarily bad to rescind an offer of acceptance to go to a better school. Med students do this all the time because everyone is trying to get into the best school they can. I accepted my offer to UC only to later rescind it because I got into my first choice school. I gave them as much notice as possible and did it in a kind way. Most schools expect there to be some changes in acceptance offers before the official start of the program. Good luck in making your decision!

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