what to do when union does not have your best interest?


Specializes in L&D, med/surg, ER.


i'm dealing with an issue at my work, union often comes when meeting with HR and management, but I find that my union is not representing me well and i feel that the union rep does not have my best interest. what do i do? does anyone have any advice on who to turn to?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Go up the union chain above your rep.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I would talk to the union representative first, and see what they're thinking. It could be the the union rep IS representing your interests but you just don't understand their plan. Or not. If you don't achieve what you wished with the conversation, then go up the union chain. Good luck.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I agree, check in with the union rep outside of your meetings with management. She may not understand your concerns. Or, she may weighing the interests of the bargaining unit against your personal interests.

I had a write-up once, that my union rep advised me not to grieve, but I insisted and it was thrown out almost as soon as the paperwork was filed. I think, in retrospect, that she didn't believe my version and/or was so lazy she wasn't interested in doing her job.

And yes, you can always go up the chain of command.

Specializes in ER.

I ordered some human resource textbooks off amazon, and got some very good information about law and processes. It's easy for union folk to be bribed to be a little less vigilant for their union members, and "forget" to do something. It's human nature to want to be liked, and they deal with the HR reps all the time. JMHO.

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