UNF summer 2011 hopefull

U.S.A. Florida


I would like to contact others who have applied to UNF for summer of 2011. Although I have a degree, I am applying for the RPL program and not the accelerated program because I have kids at home. I have 3.68 GPA and 87% TEAS V. I guess they will send out interview invitations mid-February.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Thanks Paco...now to wait to hear back from UCF (my alma mater). No interview there so I'm hoping my grades are good enough to get me in (they used different classes so I only have a 3.73 pre-req GPA with them). I'm hoping to get into both so I can feel like I get a decision instead of being forced to go to one school because the other didn't accept me. I have decided not to apply to UF because my husband can't relocate, so I think it would be too hard on our relationship if I was in Gainesville and he was here (in Daytona). I just want this process to be over...the suspense is KILLING me! :uhoh3:

Waiting on UCF too! I think UCF uses the overall GPA more than the prereq from what I heard (they look at prereq GPA as a secondary thing I think). My overall is less stellar than my prereq so I am just hanging on hopes at this point. I just today completed and sent in the UCF immunization form. I kept getting emails about it and I just got it done to make them stop :lol2: ... shame to know all that work and I don't get in, right? At least I know I have to get it done for whatever school I attend anyway. I would have applied to UF myself but I would have had to retake Dev Psych and Stats which on my end are 10+ years old. Not worth it considering everyone else is taking them just like that.

I am in a long distance relationship myself: NY > FL .. together almost 5 but been like this for 2 years. If it is meant to be it will work!! :) So far so good! Actually, I have already been accepted to an ABSN in NY but getting into a FL school means I will pay less for my education. UCF or UNF would work out nicely, and I have already started the decision process in terms of deciding whether living in Orlando, Jacksonville or Long Island would be best for me!

I see that some of you have applied to both UNF and UCF. Which school will you pick if you get accepted to both?

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
I see that some of you have applied to both UNF and UCF. Which school will you pick if you get accepted to both?

To be honest, that would be a seriously hard decision! I know I would be happy attending either program. Both would require me to relocate from my present town. The only factor that UCF has over UNF at this time however would be that my move would involve less miles and I would still be closer to my friends and what family I have in FL.

ETA: I just remembered also that UNF has a clinic abroad program of sorts, they arrange to travel to some foreign country over spring break to help people there. I think (though not certain) the Dean who spoke at the info session said they are planning to go to Thailand next year. This year they are going to Ireland or Scotland, something like that. Sounds way cool and that makes UNF appealing :)

Boo! Got my denial letter last week...:banghead: GPA is 3.68, but I think my test score was a little lower than what it should have been, plus I am still taking Stats so I don't have the grade yet for that...guess I will try again in the fall. I also took the test before I had micro which is probably what killed my score.

Hopefully I hear something soon from the other school I applied to...:)

I see that some of you have applied to both UNF and UCF. Which school will you pick if you get accepted to both?

I really don't know where I would choose. Even though I know UCF inside and out because that's where I got my undergrad as well as my pre-reqs, I think I might choose UNF because of the quality of clinical sites. My husband and I own our house in Daytona, so I will not be moving either way. UNF is only about 10 minutes farther from my house than UCF is so it's not a big difference for me that way, but I'm still torn. Of course, that is being optimistic that I get into both schools and have to make a choice. ;)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

That's a pretty long haul from DAB to UNF a couple of times a week. I live near you as well, and just the thought of driving up the morning of the interview from here was enough to motivate me to get a hotel room the night before :D ... The drive to UCF would prob be just as long I suppose with traffic, but perhaps not so since you will prob take 417, no? But since you have a home, it's understood. I go nuts if my commute to work or school is any more than 30 minutes each way.

That's a pretty long haul from DAB to UNF a couple of times a week. I live near you as well, and just the thought of driving up the morning of the interview from here was enough to motivate me to get a hotel room the night before :D ... The drive to UCF would prob be just as long I suppose with traffic, but perhaps not so since you will prob take 417, no? But since you have a home, it's understood. I go nuts if my commute to work or school is any more than 30 minutes each way.

I have been driving to UCF from Daytona since 2003, when I originally started my undergrad, and I am quite used to it. It actually gives me a chance to decompress from my day. Sometimes it is hard to want to drive in the morning though :( Actually since the UCF program moved to University Tower, it will take me about the same to get to both, depending on traffic though. But yeah, I take 95 (I live right off LPGA so it is 2 mins away) to 4 to 417. It takes me about an hour door-to-door. My big problem with UCF is the parking, especially on Tuesday for my Micro lab, but with classes being in UT, there shouldn't be too much problem with parking.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

You're talking to a New Yorker here, one who is pretty much still a subway kid @ heart and still can't get used to driving everywhere after 5 years here. I don't mind so much long drives, as I can drive from say, here to Atlanta in one swoop (that's actually the longest I can tolerate nonstop). However, daily drives as you describe would annoy me. I get anxious just thinking about leaving home for Orlando if I have an occasional 9am appointment on a weekday and I have to take I-4 :eek: ... I tip my hat to you, lady for trekking down to UCF for these past 8 years!! :) You're right, classes @ the UT kind of makes things a bit easier with regards to parking.

You're talking to a New Yorker here, one who is pretty much still a subway kid @ heart and still can't get used to driving everywhere after 5 years here. I don't mind so much long drives, as I can drive from say, here to Atlanta in one swoop (that's actually the longest I can tolerate nonstop). However, daily drives as you describe would annoy me. I get anxious just thinking about leaving home for Orlando if I have an occasional 9am appointment on a weekday and I have to take I-4 :eek: ... I tip my hat to you, lady for trekking down to UCF for these past 8 years!! :) You're right, classes @ the UT kind of makes things a bit easier with regards to parking.

LOL I used to hate the drive when I started it because that is when I-4 was only 2 lanes each way and every morning I would get stuck around Deltona in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Now, the only problem really occurs if there is an accident. One other issue is that since I started the nearly daily drive down there during summer, I have put more miles on my car as I did the first 2 1/2 years I had it. But thankfully, my car is a good little car and she keeps on going with her 92000 miles on her.

Oh, I just remembered another plus for UNF over UCF. At UNF, your last semester is only Summer A, while at UCF is Summer C, so you can possibly take your NCLEX a month earlier and start the job search earlier. Oh well, again, we are in a wait and see position right now :)

Hi all,

I applied to both UCF and UNF for Summer 2011 (Accelerated only). I received my interview letter for UNF and, based on posts, can't believe I got an interview! It must have been because all of my prereqs were finished December 2010 (with final transcripts turned in before the application deadline--I know you can have courses in progress, but I'm just suggesting that it's advantageous to have them finished because it's less for them to track/follow up on). Have any of you heard from UCF? (I have not.)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Hi all,

I applied to both UCF and UNF for Summer 2011 (Accelerated only). I received my interview letter for UNF and, based on posts, can't believe I got an interview! It must have been because all of my prereqs were finished December 2010 (with final transcripts turned in before the application deadline--I know you can have courses in progress, but I'm just suggesting that it's advantageous to have them finished because it's less for them to track/follow up on). Have any of you heard from UCF? (I have not.)

I am waiting for UCF as well. Word is decisions won't be released until 3/15. Seems like it's going to be concurrent with UNF's decisions. Hopefully I will have a choice :D

Only a little more than a week until interviews!! I'm just anxious to get it over with and not have this process consume me :-) I think I was actually more nervous waiting for the interview letter than waiting for the interview itself!

Good luck to everyone and I hope some of you will post after the interview to compare notes!

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