Unemployed nurse

World International


I'm a nurse in profession but not yet in practice. I graduated last 2007 but until now i don't have a job. I have already passed my application to several hospitals but no hiring of staff nurses yet. I'm just worried coz I'm not getting any younger. Just want to know the status of other nurses. . .I'm having a bit of depression becoz of this.


Specializes in Critical Care.

They are understaff I tell. Even the so called tertiary hospitals. They are! They just dont have budget to hire new nurses. That's the problem!

count me in. grad 05:bluecry1: but been busy reviewing and preparing for test.done with my cg and ielts tough next year is for NCLEx..depressing? tell me more about it..its normal i guess seeing/knowing my batchmates has been long gone for US, middle east or good career here in Phil.

i couldve been to med school then probobly im about to grad next year... sigh....

though i've work as casual nurse in our hosp in Mindanao:D

but still


Try at St.lukes. they will be opening a new site in Taguig. Please see my post at the thread entitled "it's so hard to look for a job"

a friend told me about this. she said that they are now accepting applicants but the hospital is expected to be finished by 2010. weird! hehehe well, is that true in the first place?

Specializes in Oncology, Medical.

And yes, you now have 26,000+ new rivals from June 2008, and I'm one of them :p But I have an edge over you guys, Im taking my Masteral Degree and next next week will be volunteering on a tertiary hospital. You have to make sacrifices and start from scratch.

Wow, you're taking a masteral degree at the age of 22. Don't most nursing schools which offer MSN require certain years of experience to be accepted in their program?

Specializes in EENT, Radiology, Neuroscience.
a friend told me about this. she said that they are now accepting applicants but the hospital is expected to be finished by 2010. weird! hehehe well, is that true in the first place?

It's not really that weird. There are so many nurses already hired by SLMC for the Global City hospital. They would first undergo a three month PAID training (they will pay you, not the OTHER way around), and then after the evaluation, a follow up of 6 months probationary period, then regularization if you satisfy the management.

They will first train at the QC site, then transfer in Global City in October 2009 (not 2010).

There are a few from this site who already got in the program. And so happy about it. The instituition prefer nurses who are fluent in English, since the hospital will be an English speaking zone.

So, to answer your question? Yes. It is entirely true.

Hi yoo jin!

Uhm... After your interview with SLMC, are they going to let you sign a contract with them right away? If so, how many months or years?

Thank you!

Specializes in Neurosurgery, Trauma/Ortho.
i'm a niurse in profession but not yet in practice. i graduated last 2007 but until now i don't have a job. i have already passed my application to several hospitals but no hiring of staff nurses yet. i'm just worried coz i'm not getting any younger. just want to know the status of other nurses. . .i'm having a bit of depression becoz of this.


i feel so sad for all of you unemployed nurses unable to use your skills that you worked so hard to acquire. please do not give up hope.

yeah...count me in too, graduated last 2005, still no work...i have worked in a govt agency before becoming a nurse, left my job hoping to practice nursing, but to no avail...its just so depressing really. i trained at a govt hospital for 3 months and the hospital environment is more depressing. i hope our government should focus more on the healthcare system in our country.

It's not really that weird. There are so many nurses already hired by SLMC for the Global City hospital. They would first undergo a three month PAID training (they will pay you, not the OTHER way around), and then after the evaluation, a follow up of 6 months probationary period, then regularization if you satisfy the management.

They will first train at the QC site, then transfer in Global City in October 2009 (not 2010).

There are a few from this site who already got in the program. And so happy about it. The instituition prefer nurses who are fluent in English, since the hospital will be an English speaking zone.

So, to answer your question? Yes. It is entirely true.

wow! that's very good to hear. Thanks! Do they accept newly grads? Plus I dont have enough trainings. I will start BLS training nextweek, IVT training on the last week of sept. and so many others.

another sad thing here is, someone from the govt (senator or congressman, i dont know) wants nurses, doctors and teachers ( and i think engineers too) to stay here after graduation for 2 years before leaving for other country to work because accdg to him, we are lacking of these professional people. As a nurse, it's ok for me to stay here for 2 years as long as THEY would give me WORK. but most of the hospitals, because of cost-cutting maybe, dont hire nurses even though the nurse-patient ratio is getting higher.

Specializes in none.

same here, im unemployed too. but im into volunteer service on redcross. i hope it will help:D

Same here. Passed all exams, have been looking for a job for more than a year now but still cant get one (!). I did volunteer nursing already but cotract is good only for 3 months. Alays applying but hospitals are freeze hiring. Im not getting younger anymore. I'm depress. Will try to get a job outside nursing instead. No choice. I;m willing to work as a nurse for free/volunteer or pay for the training but even that, there's no vacancy or openings because of too much nurses graduating every year.


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