undocumented nursing students or graduates


Well for undocumented students who have gotten into competitive nursing programs and completed it and now find yourselves not knowing what to do, here is my story... I was brought to the U.S. at the very young age of 7, did great in school, high school, and got a full ride scholarship to college. Knowing that I was good in school, I was attracted to "hard" classes and programs. I took my pre-pharm classess and my prerequisistes for nursing school. I got into nursing school right away and managed to get into hospitals w/o any problems. The moment came where I had to take NCLEX and I couldn't bc of lack of proper documentation. I ended up doing construction under Arizona's hot summers for 2 years looking for ways to get a visa or even take NCLEX but all was a dead end. I prayed and fasted for 21 days asking Jesus Christ for that opportunity to take the exam; I was exponentially forgetting the material. I began searching again, fixated and not willing to give up when I found a state that was willing to give me the chance, the chance we all worked so hard for. I took NCLEX after 2 years and only 3 wks revewing. I took all 6 hours trying my hardest to answer ALL questions correct. I left the testign center feeling like everyone else, nauseous, worried, thinking of the two long years that have passed by and all the struggles I had to face just to take the exam. I did the PVT and got the good pop-up, I didn't tell anyone until I was 100% certain, paid the 8 dollars and there it was, a humble "PASS." To you, the undocumented student or graduate, there is hope. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, give up, it's not a nurses quality.

@cd herrera.if u r in NYC area just apply. BON will not look into your undocumented status. pay all the fees and wait for your ATT. study hard and your all set. Good luck. You can do it!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Just be aware if undocumented you are at risk of deportation. BON's are getting to the state that as per Federal requirement proof of residency is required ie. US SSN, immigration status etc plus employers are required to ask this as part of the employment process

Your story really inspires me not to give up! I lost hope until I read your post online! Thankyou nofxdx!

Some of you guys said to take the exam in NY... I heard some states will let you take the exam but they won't give you your license until you provide them the documentation they want. Are there any special documentation need to bring to them?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Usual documentation to show the BON before a license is issued is that you are a US citizen or have legal right of abode like proof of immigrant visa or work visa

hey @cdherrera, I did it through New York State though I reside in AZ only bc AZ wouldn't even allow me to apply w/o a SSN. NY it's a little more lenient (another reason to love NYC), so I took NCLEX here in AZ but all my info went to NY. In the SSN section just leave it blank and select box to be given an assigned number. Sorry for late response, haven't signed on in a while

hey @cdherrera, I did it through New York State though I reside in AZ only bc AZ wouldn't even allow me to apply w/o a SSN. NY it's a little more lenient (another reason to love NYC), so I took NCLEX here in AZ but all my info went to NY. In the SSN section just leave it blank and select box to be given an assigned number. Sorry for late response, haven't signed on in a while

That's neat! Do you plan to work in AZ? If so, can you endorse the license over from NY to AZ not having the SSN? Or are you going to just practice in NY? Thanks for the information and congrats to you!


I was doing research for a paper I have to right and I cam across this website and your story. I was accepted into my nursing program in January 2012 before Deferred action was presented by president Obama. All my school documents that I used to get into the program had my tax ID number. Now that I obtained a work visa I changed my social security number at the main office at school but the nursing program is not aware since they handle the program seperately. I will be taking the NCLEX next summer 2014 GOD WILLING. and I am worried if my schools nursing program will send NCLEX my student profile with the TAX ID NUMBER???..... I am not sure what to do and I do not want to raise any flags. How does NCLEX work???? how do they get your information????

I am so glad to have read your story not only because you are a dreamer but because you are Christian. I am pentecostal and before Deferred action was announced I prayed for YEARS to God about my situation. I PRAYED AND PRAYED at times getting so frustrated but he always opened doors. I felt so alone in this, but now I understand that God not only had my life in his hand but also had yours and many others like it..... GOD BLESS YOU!!!

write***** sorry for the many typing errors. I was so eager to write to you...lol

Wow this story made me tear. I can totally relate to your story. Brought to the US when I was 4, I am now 26. I too finished my school 2 years ago. I will take my test in the next couple weeks but reading a story like yours just totally uplifted me. Thanks for sharing!!

Is NYC only one state we can get RN license? what other state can we get RN license? I look application and New York has verification of citizenship and we have to provide all documentation. Please let me know how did you do it!

Great inspiring story. I struggled a lot to finally complete my nursing career. However, I have been rejected because of my DACA status. NEBRASKA HAS DENIED MY APPLICATION AND WILL NOT ALLOWED ME TO TAKE THE NCLEX. Please help me, I feel awful, it is emotionally killing me. I need to know which state would allow me to sit for the nclex.

@cd herrera.if u r in NYC area just apply. BON will not look into your undocumented status. pay all the fees and wait for your ATT. study hard and your all set. Good luck. You can do it!

What is undocumented status? Like illegal immigrant?

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