Understanding Excelsior

Nursing Students Excelsior


I am hoping I am making the right choice with doing Excelsior. I am worried like crazy. I have been ok'd to begin things, but understanding everything with Excelsior is very hard. I like things well laid out and it seems every time I turn around there is more clarification needed. I am a RRT and advanced EMT so I am hoping for the most part things should go smoothly and I can test rather quickly. I tried doing an Achieve test prep class and was bored beyond belief. The instructor was nice and all, but nothing I couldn't get from common sense and applying myself.

Please explain this to me to make sure I am not messing anything up. I went online and pulled up my map navigator, did the blackboard test and the two others. Now I see where I need to take information literacy. It looks as if everyone has to do this. When I click on it, I see what looks like a possible 8 week online course. Am I seeing this correctly? I want to test out of everything. If I sign up for this class is it a thing of I have to be online for this class for 8 weeks or what?

Any answers would be appreciated!

Information Literacy is an online "class" in which you have no interaction with an instructor. It's totally self paced and you can complete it in a day from start to finishing the exam. It's also open book so you can use the online content to take your exam. It's very expensive but does present some good information. You can literally sign up and pay for it, then finish it that same day.

As for the rest of your post, you sound a lot like me, in that you sound like you are adept at teaching yourself and don't need someone to hold your hand and guide you through things. You're the ideal student for this type of program, which is totally self paced.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Information literacy is only a class option as explained above. There is no challenge exam at Pearson Vue for this requirement.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

It took me 9 hours to do it because I made the mistake of doing it on a day ex-husband was off and the game was on. I have to have total silence when I attempt anything that requires a passing grade. When he'd doze off, I'd turn the TV volume to zero, for all the good that did because he snored worse than a freight train. I couldn't move to another room because of the dinosaur of a desktop computer in the house...no wireless anything then.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

There is a less expensive option available through LSU, but it takes longer and requires a proctor. Info Lit through EC is expensive (it's a one-credit course) but easy and fast.

OK so I just spoke with one of the nursing advisors and was told:

1). Information Literacy course is mandatory, no longer an option.

2). You do not have to take it first as it is listed.

3). Cost for this course is $425.00

Hopes this may help others.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

The only way info tech is not optional is if you have a bachelors degree in another field. Granted this does not apply to most LPN/medic to ASN/RN candidates ( or current RRT to ASN/LPN candidates)

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Actually, you have to have a Masters to waive Info Lit. But the requirement to satisfy it has never been optional.

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