Umass Boston Acceptance

U.S.A. Massachusetts



I am a 25 year old female with a bachelor's in Finance. For the past two years I have been working as a Medical Assistant, and have been working on completing my nursing pre-requisites. I finished them at Bunker Hill with a 3.7 gpa. My undergraduate gpa is 3.1. Yesterday I sent in my application to UMB's Accelerated Nursing Program. I think my essay was decent and my recommendations pretty good.

I was wondering if anyone who has applied had any advice/comments about UMB's program.

-When did you hear back for an interview?

-Did people who got an interview ... generally get into the program?

-When did the program start? It says summer but it also mentioned something about May?

-Those of you who were accepted .. how is the program going?

Any comments would be very helpful. Thank you .. I know people are busy.

No worries...they didn't have interviews. They completely threw me off guard w/the letter as it was supposed to be via email first. I wish I knew more......

OOooooo so that's not the best news for me since those people didn't have interviews ...

I GOT IN!!!!!

Nene thanks so much for your kind words.

I am so excited and I can't stop crying :)

CONGRATULATIONS Owenc!!!!!!!!!:yeah: I'm so happy for you!! Yay..we'll be classmates. This waiting game is over! I'm celebrating this weekend :D

To owenc and NeNe25:

Congratulations on your acceptance!!! I also just received an acceptance letter, however, it explains that it is for the fall semester. It mentions nothing of the "Accelerated Program" at all. This is strange since the accelerated version is what I interviewed for. Do your letters say the same thing???

Either way, I'm going to call in the morning to find out. Please reply tonight if you can!!! :)

Congrats Fm284!! I questioned that as

well. The header blue acceptance form says fall 2010 so I called to confirm that I'm in the accelerated program and I am. They said to cross out fall and put summer. I would to confirm.

Hi NeNe25

Thanks for your quick reply! That's reassuring but does your acceptance letter also indicate Fall and mention nothing about the accelerated version?

Sorry to bother you so late!

Hi Fm2847,

My acceptance letter states the Summer 2010 session but doesn't call out the accelerated program but the accelerated program is the only one that starts in the summer. You should call today to make sure your signed up for the right program.

Hi fm2847,

Congratulations to you too! I have a few questions for you and NeNe ...

1) Any idea when the start date for the program is? Someone said June but last year they started middle of May.

2) Are you guys taking out loans for the program (I am)

FYI - My acceptance letter does say summer 2010 and does not indicate accelerated.

fm2847 - Are you going to accept? If so I look forward to meeting you AND NeNe. My friend with whom I took my pre-requisites at Bunker Hill was also accepted.

Hi Owenc,

My letter says classes start on June 1st. I thought this was weird because I also heard that last year it started in May and it seems like most accelerated programs start in May. Hmmmmmmm

I definitely have to take out loans and I'm scared!!! I was looking at Wachovia. I think I'm just about maxed out w/undergrad federal loans. I'm waiting to hear from the financial aid office. What are you guys doing for work??? I'm going to have to take out xtra $$ :-(

I've already accepted just waiting to hear what's next. I'm def. going to the orientation on April 10th...not sure if any of you are going.

Oh whooops I totally read over that.

I am SO GLAD to hear someone else isn't just going to take out their check book and write out a check for $25k.

I am worried about it too. I need to take out money for just about everything (living expenses, etc). I hope to get small amount of loan and the rest will most likely be private because I'm not sure I can get a lot if any at all from the gov. I sent my fafsa last night so I will have to wait to hear. I am a medical assistant so I made no money.

I may try to keep my once a week babysitting job throughout the summer. Some people from last year's cohort said to keep your job at least through the summer and that the money will help but I obviously can't stay an MA. I am anxious to see this summer's schedule! I saw last year's and it seems alright for the transition back to school.

Definitely not...I wish I could just write out a check and be done w/it!!!! I can't keep my job throughout the summer either as its fulltime. Not sure what I'm going to do. I was contemplating getting my realestate license so I can show apts on my own time but I don't know if its worth it. I thought maybe that could be my side hustle. Regardless, I need something that's extremely flexible. I could always waitress but I don't really want to do that.

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