Nursing Students School Programs


Hi guys!

I'm currently completing my undergrad+prereqs to apply in the next year to UM's ABSN program for the Spring 2019 session (Apps due next august). I know it's a very premature thread but I thought there might be other applicants for the Spring 2019 session who are already freaking out about apps like me. If any students who were accepted for previous threads could share their experience, tips, or stats here that would be incredibly helpful.

We got this.


@futurenursejessie, I applied on June 23rd and verified July 2nd and I'm still waiting to hear back. Hopefully we are in the next batch!

Yes! hopefully!! Fingers crossed for the both of us! well all of us! I've been tracking the dates people have been receiving their acceptances and so far it's been June 6th , June 20th, and July 9th..So the next batch might be on 7/23. It appears that the committee decides every two weeks.

haha thank you for letting me know!! but fingers crossed for you guys too, let us know if you got in though

Thank you! I definitely will! :)

@futurenursejessie Right! I am thinking the same. It should be the 23rd if they're sticking to the pattern lol hopefully !!

hello everybody! i was just notified of my acceptance yesterday.

has anyone heard about the online pre-immersion course we have to complete?

I applied to both. FIU is a lot cheaper. I am really hoping I get into either one - they are the only two places I applied. If I get into both, I have no idea what I will do. We wont find out about the interview for FIU until September, from what I've been told by their advisers. Even though UM is so much more expensive, the simulation hospital is amazing, and I do feel like the program might be better, but it is hard to tell. I found a thread from last year, and this guy - GramStain ( ) is very helpful. He was accepted to both FIU and UM and ended up going to FIU. He seems to be very happy there. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well.

So I just called UM and asked if they knew when the next round of decisions will be sent out for our program and the woman on the phone said "in a couple of weeks or so". I sure hope that that was stretch of a guesstimate. I'm too anxious. lol

Were there any students accepted this past week that maybe we just aren't aware of?

has any one made their deposit and the second payment was recieved???

it should only take 3-5 days but my deposit still says it's 'in transit' - i'm freaking out

it should only take 3-5 days but my deposit still says it's 'in transit' - i'm freaking out

I called this past Friday with this exact question. I was worried that my deposit would not arrive on time. They reassured me that the mailing address where the deposits are sent is a central location. Once arriving, they are split up and then sent to the individual schools (nursing, business, etc.). Because of this, they know it can take sometime to arrive. They SHOULD contact you via email once the deposit arrives. I sent mine through regular mail meaning there is no tracking number so I was concerned as well.

I called this past Friday with this exact question. I was worried that my deposit would not arrive on time. They reassured me that the mailing address where the deposits are sent is a central location. Once arriving, they are split up and then sent to the individual schools (nursing, business, etc.). Because of this, they know it can take sometime to arrive. They SHOULD contact you via email once the deposit arrives. I sent mine through regular mail meaning there is no tracking number so I was concerned as well.

thank u!when did you send yours in? and have you heard back from them yet?

thank u!when did you send yours in? and have you heard back from them yet?

I mailed mine in on 16 July and have still not heard back from them.

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