UFV Jan 2021 BSN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello readers. Just curious if there is anyone out there whom is or has officially applied for the 2021 January intake for the BSN program @ UFV and what your experience has been thus far?

Me, I am working hard at my upgrades. I never thought I would be in my mid 30s and going back to Bio 12 and Chem 11 but here I am. I am working feverishly to get my classes done before Aug 15 as that is the last day your transcript has to be updated to meet the prerequisite requirements. I did and still do find this whole process overwhelming. When I met with the advisor at UFV she told me: English 12, Bio 12, Chem 11, and Math 11, come in with straight A's. I initially kind of thought, really??? Maybe I still do. I had a B+ in English 12. She recommended to pull that up to an A. So I am doing Chem 083 through UFV and Bio(now called Anatomy and Physiology) through online school district. I would be curious to hear if anyone else out there is considering or has applied and how your venture has been so far.

Take care!

11 hours ago, KelseyR said:

Hi all!

There are 48 seats for Winter intakes, and 32 seats for Fall intakes - this is because the fall intake with eventually combine with an LPN bridging cohort. And don't stress too much about grades! They're only worth a portion of the points! You can absolutely make up for less than ideal grades with the interview.

I've applied twice. First was Winter 2020 and I was waitlisted, pending an open seat. Second, I applied for Fall 2020 and was rejected. Because of the current pandemic, interviews were transitioned from in person, one on one, to written answer, zoom group interviews. I found that format MUCH harder. I'm much more of a people person, and find it hard to convey my personality over text - which apparently they found too haha! I'm not sure if I will apply for UFV again, or try my luck with another school.

Pre-req grades I applied with:

Chem11 A-

Bio12 A+

Math085 A-

Engl105 A-

And additional credits:


Stats104 A

Soc101 C-

As well as approximately 100 volunteer hours in harm reduction.

If I may ask why were you rejected for the fall? Looks like your grades rocked!

im coming in with 3 A’s and a B. I did my best. My application still says in progress for certain areas. Has anyone else had this issue?

6 hours ago, s_d97 said:

Hi @KelseyR,

Thank you for sharing your experience. Do you know if any of the other applicants in the intakes you applied for were accepted with a B? You're right about there being other ways to boost our score (references, essay, interview), so I'm really hoping my 1 B doesn't bring me down...

As far as the essay/interview goes, are you able to shed any light on the nature of the questions asked? From what I understand, the interview asks more general "job interview" type questions, but what is the essay prompt like? Is it a nursing related question?

Thanks again for sharing your experience! All the best to you and your future education/career goals!

I am feeling the same way about my lone B. Wish it was an A but it is what it is. I just hope I get the chance to enter the program. I’m a mature student. I have a good profile in the health care background and I am just really excited about the opportunity. But at the end of the days it’s a competitive program and only so many spots available. We shall see what happens.

2 minutes ago, FutureBSN20211 said:

I am feeling the same way about my lone B. Wish it was an A but it is what it is. I just hope I get the chance to enter the program. I’m a mature student. I have a good profile in the health care background and I am just really excited about the opportunity. But at the end of the days it’s a competitive program and only so many spots available. We shall see what happens.

Yes, you're absolutely right about that. There's nothing we can do now but wait and hope for the best, and hope that we do well in the next stages. Best of luck to you!

24 minutes ago, FutureBSN20211 said:

If I may ask why were you rejected for the fall? Looks like your grades rocked!

im coming in with 3 A’s and a B. I did my best. My application still says in progress for certain areas. Has anyone else had this issue?

I’ve had this issue, I emailed admissions and haven’t received a reply yet. I’m kind of nervous because the deadline is in a few days.

15 minutes ago, futurama said:

I’ve had this issue, I emailed admissions and haven’t received a reply yet. I’m kind of nervous because the deadline is in a few days.

I think they may just not have updated it on your application checklist yet. As long as your transcripts/documents have already been sent in, I wouldn't worry. I know my post secondary transcripts were showing as "in-progress" for the longest time (around 2 weeks) before they were shown as "met."

1 hour ago, s_d97 said:

I think they may just not have updated it on your application checklist yet. As long as your transcripts/documents have already been sent in, I wouldn't worry. I know my post secondary transcripts were showing as "in-progress" for the longest time (around 2 weeks) before they were shown as "met."

True. It is still nerve racking as I just want it all “a okay”. When it’s totally complete it is supposed to be saying ready for review. 2 of my courses concluded 2 weeks ago and the administrator had to email them my grades as transcripts are delayed until the end of the month.

Before I was thinking about grades all the time. Now I think about interview and essay part. I have also heard now you have type your interview answers, which is hard for me. And essay part they only give half an hour, which is not sufficient for me.

I still hope everything goes well and good luck everyone.

@s_d97 I'm sure that there have been successful applicants with a B, but I don't personally know.

The interview questions are broad, and are more about your skills and experiences. The essay is nursing specific, and opinion based.

@futureBSN20211 I was told I needed to elaborate on my interview answers more. I find it so much easier to communicate with people face-to-face, so the detached and impersonal written answers were way harder for me. It's also faster to answer verbally that it is to type, so the 3 minute time limit per question was difficult. I knew right away that I had bombed it. Hopefully they will have a better system for the next intake, considering personality and the ability to interact with people is so important for nurses.

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well! Tomorrow is the deadline for applications for the Winter intake!

I am a little worried as I submitted an application on July 15th but it hasn’t been processed yet. Nothing has been deemed “met” except for one section, and my references say “pending approval.” Will I still be considered for January? I understand admissions must be incredibly busy.

Thank you kindly if anyone has some answers!

As long as your documents are submitted before the deadline, you're good.

On 8/13/2020 at 10:21 AM, KelseyR said:

@s_d97 I'm sure that there have been successful applicants with a B, but I don't personally know.

The interview questions are broad, and are more about your skills and experiences. The essay is nursing specific, and opinion based.

@futureBSN20211 I was told I needed to elaborate on my interview answers more. I find it so much easier to communicate with people face-to-face, so the detached and impersonal written answers were way harder for me. It's also faster to answer verbally that it is to type, so the 3 minute time limit per question was difficult. I knew right away that I had bombed it. Hopefully they will have a better system for the next intake, considering personality and the ability to interact with people is so important for nurses.

I certainly feel the same way. I have submitted everything and still there are areas that say in progress. I understand admissions must be flooded with work but this is very unsettling for anyone who has the August 15 deadline. I’ve left voicemails with admissions and emails. Really not sure what else to do at this point.

16 minutes ago, KelseyR said:

As long as your documents are submitted before the deadline, you're good.

Did someone from UFV tell you that?

@amb0331 yes I am in the same situation. However, my application status says ready to review by program. But still my volunteer hours says pending approval and my apppication status shows outstanding.

I tried to reach admissions so many times but they do not respond. They must be very busy. But I am just hoping that everything will be fine.

good luck everyone.

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