UCSF New Grad RN 2015

Nurses Job Hunt


Hey everyone!

I noticed there wasn't a thread for people to discuss upcoming interviews for UCSF New Grad RN program.

I'm interviewing for the ICN on 9/2. Does anyone have any insights into the interview process or have anything else they want to discuss?

hi! has anyone else gotten interview calls for the other units yet? I still haven't heard anything! *fingers crossed*

Anyone who has interviewed so far, was it a group interview (multiple applicants) or individual?

It was an individual interview for me with a panel

so I just call a call this morning from the manager from the PACU who interviewed me, he said that UCSF cancelled the PACU new grad program, he doesn't even know why....but he did say that UCSF only cancelled PACU program so there's still hope for the other units!

OMG I am so sorry to hear that! Have you been called for any other units?

i haven't.... But I guess it's always a waiting game now...time to apply to more places....

Hi Sorry for the late reply. I am interviewing at 1pm! Arrived early so I am here waiting :nailbiting: lol. I'm excited for everyone and wish you all the best!

Thank you. I finished my interview today for Ped's Cardiac ICU. I met with 3 interviewers and they asked behavioral questions, clinical experiences etc. They expect program to begin in October and are accepting only 4 new grads for this unit. Good Luck everyone!

Bay-RN - congrats on your interview :)

Do you happen to know if there will be a second round of interviews?

Thank you!

I was told that they usually only do one round and base decisions from 1 interview. Hope that helps!

Did they say when they'll get back to you, and how many applicants there were? Just curious :D

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