UCLA New Grad Summer 2012 program

U.S.A. California


@newgrad12 No, I'm applying for the Summer program... by last cohort, I mean the class that graduated from my nursing school last year. I currently work at UCLA though as a CCP, so I know a ton of people who have gone through the program- it's absolutely amazing from what I understand! Well, besides the whole getting in process ;)

be sure to check your spam/junk folder for the assessment! I heard some people received it but it went straight to their spam inbox.

csoo, do you know if a lot of internals applied since you work there?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Where is everyone from? I'm in Los Angeles, CA.

All the way from Boston

Specializes in Transplant, Med-Surg.

I'm from San Diego! :)

I just got my assessment this morning so for those who haven't received them, they're definitely coming your way! I also heard that they might be having technical difficulties so that could have been the hold up.

Ohio. I finally got my assessment today too!

Santa Clarita by way of sunny Las Vegas. Finally got the em today!...twice.

Houston, TX- Would love to live somewhere that didn't feel like a sauna most of the year. :)

I don't have any numbers, but I know there are always a good number of internal applicants because UCLA has a Float Team CCP position that is specifically for nursing students who want more experience.

Specializes in ICU, ED, PICC.

I'm from Roseville, which is near Sacramento. Woot? Haha

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