do you type or write your notes?

Nursing Students General Students



Just wondering what you do with your notes

type them up or write them in a book?

1st semester I had a seperate book for each subject and wrote all my notes

I'm currently on a break between semesters (start back in a few weeks) and have been getting a head start with a&p2 and have typed up all my notes.

I think I'm taking more in by typing.

Just after everyones ideas


Specializes in Telemetry/IMC.

I think it's a personal preference thing... I tend to absorb material better when I physically have to write it, but I know that other people prefer to type b.c. they have atrocious handwriting and wouldn't be able to read what they wrote later. Also, if I type my notes, I tend to never look at them again...

I like to write my notes in the margins of my books, lol. I get one of the little Sharpie pens with fine points and go to town! That way, when I'm reading the material, I already have all of my notes right there. If I absolutely HAVE to, I will take notes on notebook paper, but not often. It's just what I've always done.

I have to hand write all my notes to get them to sink into my cortex..

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I used to write them while in class. At home, I'd retype them and add stuff in from the textbook, handout, etc.

Two reasons I typed: my handwriting sucks, and I can type a lot faster than I can write :)

When I read a chapter I type up some notes/an outline of the material. I hand write my notes in lecture and then usually add them into my outline. This gives me a very comprehensive study guide of each chapter, both from my point of view and the instructors.

Hope this helps!

Specializes in Case management, occupational health.

I have to write things out to really get them into my head. But I hate my handwriting, so I often times type them out too.

Making index cards is a battle for me because I hate my handwriting and will rewrite the item several times to try to make it look better

Specializes in Neuro.
I have to write things out to really get them into my head. But I hate my handwriting, so I often times type them out too.

Making index cards is a battle for me because I hate my handwriting and will rewrite the item several times to try to make it look better

Hi! Are you me? lol

Everyone in the program makes fun of me because they love my handwriting but I am always rewriting things.

I also type out an outline beforehand and fill it in during class.

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

I did the same thing for a&p..I would write in class and then type up afterwards while adding more information. I would also do online flashcards. The repetition helped a lot.

I used to write them while in class. At home, I'd retype them and add stuff in from the textbook, handout, etc.

Two reasons I typed: my handwriting sucks, and I can type a lot faster than I can write :)

Hi everyone,

thanks for all the posts.

I've done another chapter and wrote it down then typed it up. I am finding my notes are in a much better order and easier to understand what is a major heading and topic heading ect.

Our a&p lecture always gives us "important things to know" at the end of each lecture, so I'll be able to highlight these to concentrate on.

Thanks again, Zoe

Do whatever works for you. I don't start nursing until fall but with A&P....I tried typing my notes out but found it worked better for me to write them out again. Good luck! :)

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