TWU Spring 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Is anyone out there applying to TWU for the Spring of 2010? Just thought that I would start a group for all of us hopefuls so we could share information and have a way to communicate with each other.

Have you taken your HESI A2 yet? Have you taken all of your pre-reqs? If not, what do you have left to take?

I have taken all of my pre-reqs, and I just took my HESI yesterday. I didn't think it was bad at all, but I prepared for it for about 3 weeks.

If you haven't noticed, TWU has made some slight changes that I think some people will not be happy with. They are taking into consideration the first grade made at pre-req attempts for several of the classes like A&P, micro, and another class. What do you think of this? I wonder how it will change the applicants chances of getting in?

Good luck and I look forward to meeting you!

Scaled score 0-1000...I don't see how they calculate this into composite?

And they said they only look at composite scores...

HOw can they throw out applications if this is the first session using Hesi scores....and applications have not been due yet?

i didn't see it calculated in to the composite either. it showed my score on the screen where you choose which section of the test to take, but when i printed my results it was a paper with only the sections listed on TWU's website and the composite at the bottom

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

Hey guys,

I went and visited an adviser today to make sure everything was in order with my application and such. One thing I thought was interesting was that they said that they have not had nearly the number of applicants they were expecting this semester, and since it is so close to the deadline they do not expect too many more.

Hey guys,

I went and visited an adviser today to make sure everything was in order with my application and such. One thing I thought was interesting was that they said that they have not had nearly the number of applicants they were expecting this semester, and since it is so close to the deadline they do not expect too many more.

wow thats amazing; i am meeting with an advisor tomorrow-i called the denton campus this time instead of the dallas campus. i wonder why there are not as many people?

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

They said a lot of people were really expecting it to be a record breaking year, but so far there just haven't been as many applications as they thought there would be (most likely due to economy, etc). Especially since the due date is approaching so fast.

I forgot to ask something while I was there: Do we have to give our immunization records before the application due date? Or is that something we do after acceptance?

no, that is after. they mail a packet out with the vaccinations you need.

can i ask who is your advisor?

Will you be able to do that...will they look at ur score..they told me they will only look at your first might want to clarify with them!

i really dont know what they are going to do! :smackingf

goopey I'm not allowed to pm..cuz I'm new. But I asked a couple of people that took critical thinking section and how it is graded. when i asked twu, they said they only look at cumulative score. Will they accept 2nd score, when I asked they said they only look at first time. U can use the second score for the next application cycle. Anyone know what is included in critical thinking section?

i don't remember how many questions the critical thinking section had, but its basically different things that you may face as a nurse and you have to choose things like which patient to help first, or what you would do in that situation

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