TWU Houston Fall 2009

U.S.A. Texas


I could not for the life of me find a thread for people who were going to be going to Houston in the fall, so here we go.

I was going out for the fast track 2009 in Dallas, got denied and put back in the fall applicant pool, then BAM:D, got hit with the shocker last night when I got home from work that I had been accepted to the regular BSN program in Houston.

I'm really excited to start a new chapter and I thought this would be a good way to meet other members of the class before we get there. So shout out where you're from and your background so we can all get to know each other before August!

(P.S.- I've also been accepted to the community college in my hometown, which is closer, cheaper, and probably going to be easier, but I think it would be borderline offensive to turn down such an awesome offer, let me know what you think)

ruchita... yah i do want to live in arcadian. I was talking to an apartment searcher and when i told her i wanted to look more into arcadian...she knew about it and was like its a real nice place. And if you sign with arcadian now or sometime soon, they have some sort of discount per month. So hopefully everything will work out. lol. I think you already said something about it, but is there a waiting list for arcadian?

haha i agree with you ruchita. Im sooo ready to move out of my parents house! lol. and no i'm not bringing anyone... imma be by myself. lol

she said there was a waiting list, but i forgot if it was for the three bedroom or the two. lol crap. i was soo amazed at the place, i just didnt listen to her. yea there is 500 dollars off the first month, so that puts it to 1275 the first month which is real good! she said that 1775 for three bedroom is a price drop price, meaning it could go up soon, cause they dropped it down twice. so we might need to act quick if its a sure thing.

My mom was supposed to be coming with me but she seemed a little put out by it with work and what not it seemed like she didnt' really wanna it looks like i might be comin solo! The good part is i'll have a hotel room if you guys want to party after the apartment hunting!!! haha.

To be perfectly honest...i really want a one bedroom- i've had a few experiences in apartments with roommates and none of them have turned out well. I just dont think I mesh well with other people in my living space lol. I think i might just suck it up and pay the extra money and get student loans. But i might change my mind if it seems like something could work out between some of us. It just hasn't gone well with anyone I've tried it with in the past-my best friend who brought her other best friend in to live for a few weeks and ended up taking over my room and i got off the lease....the latest one was one of those student housing type apartments where you rent by the room and your stuck with strangers who you try to get to know and hang out with...well they all turned out to be stuck up obnoxious girls who screwed me over pretty SO! Not sure about that one yet but we'll see.

I bet there are houses for rent that have alot of bedrooms if you look around- i know in dallas it's cheaper to find a really nice house to rent from someone with a few roommates than to get an apartment.

I'm excited to meet you guys! how are we gonna know how to find each other!? lol

I understand totally ksnurse19 what you are talking about. I'm currently living in Austin got into the exact stituation you did. I got into this horrible horrible apt complex where you rent by room and the apt management does the "roomate matching". It absolutely sucked! I got matched with a lesbian who smokes, drinks, yells and have different girls and guys coming every single day. When I was gone for 5 days, all the dishes literally piled up to the cellings. Absolutely horrifying!

Okay here's a question for you guys...i faxed my letter of acceptance from my work office at the bar i work at...and they said it went through but i never got any confirmation that they received it. I also mailed in the signed form about the drug test and got the drug test done and all that, and still haven't heard anything from them. Did you guys get any confirmation emails or any other mail from the school saying that they've received your acceptance and that everything's good?? I got everything done on time (i think) but i'm scared i'm gonna get to advising friday and theyre like oh we didnt' get blahblah ya know?

ksnurse19, i received the confirmation email; however not everyone received the confirmation email. You can call them to double check. Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel. After going through such hectic application process, that acceptance letter meant the world to me. You are fine!

For the drug test, i have never heard anything from them... i guess that's a good thing?

For immunization record, I faxed mine yesterday and today when I checked with the lady... she told me she has not received it! Well, she told me the records can be turned in during the orientation as well. So don't worry!

haha i found out what happened to all my paperwork they sent me that i can't find...i asked my dad to mail out my drug test form and he mailed the entire packet back to them!!!!! haha he feels horrible. so now i'm scared that i forgot to do bring immunization records, send acceptance, send drug test form, and they do background checks while we're there right?? Am i missing anything important?

looks like you are golden!

anyone looking for a roomate....pls reply...iam lookign for a female roomate...iam comign frm dallas...

hey guys...i am looking for apts and roomates too....guess i will see uall..friday!..

Hey can someone tell me real quick if advising is at 8 am friday morning? just to make sure

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