Published Feb 10, 2011
Belli 40 LVN
82 Posts
Has anyone who applied to TVCC 2011 ADN program received an email or letter confirming your status yet?
I read on the website that this is a part of the process once you submit your application. I'm just wondering if they still send out status letters/emails.
Thanks one ???
66 Posts
A friend of mine received a confirmation of her application last week. I emailed the counselor and he confirmed they had received my app and that I should be receiving a confirmation on my application this week.
Thank you kickymarcia, I guess I should just relax. I too called the counselor last week to confirm receipt of my application. I was wondering what was meant by "status letter" on the website, so I guess that's the confirmation letter!
Good luck to you and your friend in this process.
I received my confirmation letter in the mail. Now we just wait until April 8th to hear who was accepted. What do you think the minimum points will be? I have either 10 or 11 depending on how they figure my college hours gpa.
I'm not sure but I'm hoping they at least get into the 9's . I have nine if I calculated everything correct.
So if they get into the 9's then your in for sure ! I scored pretty good on the Hesi so I don't know if they will use that as a tie breaker or not but, my fingers are crossed.
Where will you apply if this year isn't your year?
I've read that this year they are accepting more students than in the past so that should help.
I'm a little worried:confused: because I still haven't received a letter in the mail.
Why don't you email the counselor to confirm they have your application? Do you know how many they usually accept? I heard they are taking 140 for fall.
Received my Status Letter in the mail yesterday:up:. 140 positions sounds very promising. I'm really getting anxious but excited.
I also applied at Brookhaven. However, I don't think my 30 points will get me in there. I'm just ready to be in and taking my nursing classes. Do you live close to Kaufmann? I'm in North Dallas.
It would take me about 35 minutes drive to get to Kaufman , give or take. I thought about Brookhaven also but I would have between 30-31 pts. Also depending on what I make on the HesiA2. I didn't want to stress myself out so I only applied to one college. If I shouldn't get in I'll consider taking the rest of the Brookhaven Pre-Reqs. I still have End of Life Issues and Dosage & Calculations. I will also take an Honors class to boost my chances at TVCC next year if it comes to that. I agree with you , I'm ready to just Dive in and be the best nursing student I can be.
This is all I can think about and I'm stalking the boards for prior classes and see that everyone has made it in and they are graduating and looking for jobs and pursuing their BSN. Just a few more weeks of waiting. I will post anything I hear, will you do the same???:)
43 Posts
Im still waiting for my confirmation letter .... im so nervous i emailed the counselor and he said my app is in, im just anxious as to whether im in or not, i hope i am!!
Check the website and they are sending out test emails to make sure they have the correct email address for everyone. I'm not sure when they put that up though:uhoh3:.
Kreds welcome, I feel the same way. I just received my confirmation letter in the mail last week so I think things are just running a little behind this year because of the high number of applicants. I'm cleaning the house like crazy to keep my mind occupied. Good Luck to you !!