Trying to get my RN being treated for addiction??


Should I even try to get my RN? I am in treatment right now for addiction to pain pills. I was also, arrested about 5 years ago with a misdemeanor controlled substance. Which was dismissed. I was about to start the RN program at my college but now I think it might be a waste of time.

Focus on your recovery and getting well.

best wishes!

I agree. Focus on ur well being. Good luck. I hope you heal quickly. Hugs.

Regardless of what the BON may or may not allow, I think the priority question is "should you be placing yourself in a position to have direct access to LOTS of narcotics?".....and my answer would be a resounding "NO".

Successfully complete your treatment program, THEN investigate--with your school counselor AND a phone call/letter to your State's BON--whether this career path is feasible for you at that time.

Best of luck.

I agree with RNsRWE -- even setting aside the whole "access to narcotics" issue, nursing school is very demanding and stressful, just the sort of thing folks new to recovery are advised to avoid. IMO, you would be better served for right now to focus on your recovery, and think about nursing school after you have that going well. No point in setting yourself up to fail.

Your state BON may be willing to discuss, hypothetically, your current situation and any potential difficulties with licensure. However, starting a nursing program and then having to leave (because of a relapse, or any other situation) will just make your situation more difficult than it already is if you try to return at a later time.

Best wishes for your journey!

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