Published Jul 24, 2006
86 Posts
I thought it would be neat to help out students and others with things we each do to remember things. Like this:
H E P A R I N (7 letters) + 3 (PTT) = 10 fingers
C O U M A D I N (8 letters) + 2 (PT) = 10 fingers
or maybe
"C"at or "K"at- "C"oumadin antidote is Vit "K"
or things to remember the cranial nerves or what meds do what.
Lopressor- Lower pressure
Aurothioglucose(gold-50)- "Golden oldies" - Antiarthritic
Antabuse- I "abuse" alcohol- Alcohol deterrant
Ear Drops- Ad"u"lt is "U"p and back so infant is opposite Down and back
I have lots more but just have to find them. These and others helped out alot in nursing school and since I've started work. So please add yours! I know that some might only make sense to you. but please post them anyways. You never know, they might make sense to someone else!:roll
7 Posts
got this from my review for bronchial asthma:
N-ebulization (AM and before sleeping)
C-hest physiotherapy
H-igh-Fowler's pxn
L-iberal OFI
H-istamine antagonist
S-evere shock
C-ardiac arrest/cervical spine injury
A-irway compromise and decrease LOC
M-ulti-system trauma
Oh! I have another one I just learned this week.
How to hook up a heart monitor.
Going left to right. "Like reading a book"
Clouds over grass . Smoke over Fire. Nowhere else for brown to go but in the middle.
So it means this---->
Chest Chest
white black cloud smoke
brown brown
green red grass fire
TA DA!!!!!
For whatever reason it wouldn't let me change my post
but it goes like this
white(clouds) -------black(smoke)
green(grass)-------- red(fire)
on your chest
TA DA!!!!
mom and nurse
513 Posts
Betablockers "lol" (laugh out loud) because many of them end in the letters "lol" (metoprolol, labetalol, carvidelol). It's important to check the pt's pulse before giving these meds...if it's too low betablockers could cause the pulse to drop lower.... :)
406 Posts
For Ptt: just imagine the two tt making a H for Heparin. P t t = smash the two t's together to make the H for Heparin.
Treatment for Sickle Cell = HOP to it. Hydration, Oxygen, Pain management.
OH! I remember another one. For S/sx of hyper/hypoglycemia
Hot and dry?? Sugar's high
Cold and clammy? Need some candy
52 Posts
These are great..please keep them coming. Thanks!
32 Posts
For whatever reason it wouldn't let me change my postbut it goes like thiswhite(clouds) -------black(smoke)-------------brown-------------green(grass)-------- red(fire)on your chestTA DA!!!!
I've learned from somebody:
left to right and down:
SALT (white) PEPPER (black)
then it's easier to place the two colors left: brown and green.
gonzo1, ASN, RN
1,739 Posts
When setting up chest tube apparatus ie pleur evac, short line to suction (s to s) long line to lungs (L to L).
293 Posts
I learned my first semester of NS for the heart leads to make a hamburger. I love food so it works for me.
white(salt), black(pepper)
brown (hamburger patty)
green(lettuce), red(ketchup)
crb613, BSN, RN
1,632 Posts
This helped me remember which way to position a pt
Face is red...raise the head
Face is pale...raise the tail