Published Aug 21, 2010
CNM 26.2
52 Posts
I have been an RN in L&D for many years, I recently graduated from CNM school. My question is-have any of you made the transition to CNM praciticing in the facility where you worked as an RN?
Most of the nurses are fabulous and I work very well with them but there are some that I am struggling with. I feel like there is a lack of respect for my credentials because I used to be "one of them" and although there are very few that have been in L&D as long as I have, there are a fair number that have been in L&D for close to as long as I have-these are the ones that I am having problems with. In some cases they are passive agressive by making little digs at how I practice, others are I think trying to be nice and saying things like "you've done this for so long school was probably a breeze for you." When I was in school I always heard "you already know this stuff, why do you even need to go to school?" Although they were meant to be compliments, do they think that because they've been L&D nurses for a long time and haven't gone to school they have the same level of education that I do because "they have been doing it so long they already know it all?"
Does anyone have suggestions to deal with these situations?
143 Posts
I think anyone in your situation would probably be going through the same thing. There will always be haters out there lol. Don't let them know you are bothered, it will make them more angry haha
Haha!! I like your thinking!!!!!! That's what I try to do-I just hope they get over their passive agressiveness soon!!!
394 Posts
Yep,probably just jealous that you're calling the shots now. They probably still see you as the same level as them. I had issue when I worked as an aid and graduated nursing school and got a job at the same unit. It'll pass.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
I think anytime you move up the food chain and remain in the same unit, there are hurdles. I'm not a CNM, but am an APN and found this in the ER too: nurses whom I worked with, would counter my orders or go to the doctor and try to get something else ordered.
Very frustrating - I did end up leaving over this issue.
47 Posts
Before I even read the responses I wanted to say to you that the problem is with your co-workers and not you - just so you realize that.
No, I have not been in the same position as you. But, I have been in the postion of being one of the nurses who have been there for quite some time. When our institution first started using midwives, I saw the same type of behavior among the staff. It's really a shame. I think the nastiness stems from their feeling threatened and probably jealous.
I hope things work out for you. Eventually even the most hesitant of "old" nurses came to realize the benefits of having the midwives. You can't please all the people all of the time, but I bet that with time it can get better.
Good luck, and good for you for fulfilling your dream!
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
I think it would be hard to go through that transition in the same facility. I think the best thing to do would be to get a job as a CNM at another facility.
43 Posts
It's difficult for sure. I actually did my clinical midwifery training in the same unit where I was also working as an L&D nurse at the time and that was hard too. I have worked on that same unit since then so have been there over 20 years all together, about half as a CNM. Some nurses were really proud of the fact that "one of us is a midwife now" but there were others that seemed to continually be doing that passive-aggressive thing or just "butting heads" with me. I think part of it is jealousy because, especially if they've been there a long time, they probably think our job is not that much different than theirs and we make more money. I did find that it got better after several years; the nurses where I work have actually become rather dependent on the midwives.
I have been in 2 different private practices and am now employed by the hospital, more or less as a laborist. We are a teaching hospital with residents but the hospital has found that having midwives watching the monitor strips and "managing" labor has cut down significantly on lawsuits. I do miss deliveries, though; I only get one if a doctor doesn't get there in time.
If you like the unit you're working in, hang in there and it will probably improve over time. Once they realize that you are there to work with and help them and not to "order them around" it will hopefully improve.
Unfortunately, that's not an option unless I move my family somewhere else-and I'm pretty stubborn, I refuse to uproot my family and my life because one or two nurses are having a hard time with me being a CNM.
Midwife228-thanks for your comments, they are enouraging. I'm sure things will get better over time.
I don't think you should have to move because of them...Stay strong, don't let them phase you! They're just gonna have to get over you because you're not going anywhere lol
Work in Progress
200 Posts
While I am just starting my CNM program, I had the same problem going from a Nurse Intern to an RN. The CNAs hated that I was delegating tasks to them. Really annoying. I think you should stay stubborn, do your job and someday they will get over it/themselves.
1,024 Posts
They probably still see you as the same level as them. I had issue when I worked as an aid and graduated nursing school and got a job at the same unit. It'll pass.
Me too. They got over it eventually.