Towson University Spring 2015

U.S.A. Maryland


Who's applying? I'm so nervous!

Same afowler77 I was going to post the same thing earlier! For me, just Nutrition and Micro.

Now we wait!

Currently taking Micro and random electives!

@littlemango- Are you taking Nutrition this semester? I'm in the 1st 8-wk HE200 that meets Tues and Thurs.

afowler77, with Jan? Haha we're probably in the same class!

So should we be finding out about acceptance around mid October? Like a month-ish from now? What do you all think? This wait... ?

I received an email from Towson about a week ago which told me my application was complete. It says in the email:

"The Admissions Committee will begin reviewing spring applicants in early September. We anticipate having final decisions made by the end of October. "

So they are probably reviewing our applications as we... type!

That means we still have more than a month to wait, gurrh!!!

My boyfriend's birthday is October 27t so I'll either be too depressed to do anything if I find out I wasn't accepted OR I'll steal his thunder because everyone will celebrate my acceptance and forget his birthday... Lose-Lose situation for him! *shrugs* lol

Hahehaha bsn-hope I hope for the latter! :roflmao: You steal his thunder! Hahaha!

lol, he would also celebrate with you!

I still have to finish the TU application. I don't have the money- that's the only hold up. Hmph. I'm hoping there's not too much of a gap between Towson decisions and Maryland decisions. But, as my Micro teacher used to say, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Still, it'd be nice for it to be January NOW.

Hello all! I just submitted my application for Towson this morning! Does anyone know the cost of tuition?

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