Published Mar 3, 2010
232 Posts
Hello! May I ask your suggestions on the topics we need to memorize for the NCLEX-RN.
Some of those I've memorized are:
Lab.values, Therapeutic levels, Antidotes, Erikson,Piaget, Kohlberg Devts.,
Cranial Nerves, Immunizations, Insulins
Please share. Good luck everyone!
38,333 Posts
The biggest one I can think of for NCLEX and future employment exams is insulin. Also lasix and digoxin. You can always expect to see something about these three topics.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
I don't think you can really predict what to study as your questions can and usually are different to the one sat next to you.
Thanks. But I thought that if you know the concrete figures you'll be able to answer it right such as analyzing the normal values.
I would say know your normal ranges in blood results, be aware of contact precautions and look at pharmacology, think about prioritising and be aware on who or what you would delegate if the question asks about delegation
29 Posts
Hi Mike! We're on the same boat and I've been pounding my head with the books lately. What review material you're using?
We'll good luck to you and me too! Hope we will pass this exam.
Hi Mike! We're on the same boat and I've been pounding my head with the books lately. What review material you're using? We'll good luck to you and me too! Hope we will pass this exam.
Hi LovelyDragon! I have been answering Saunders before I enrolled in a 5week review at NCSBN, I'm done with its 1300Qs so now I continued answering Saunders. My goal is 100-200Qs/day. I also bought PDA by LaCharity which I'll be doing last. I really wish I could read all the content but it didn't work on me. Just be very patient, at first you would feel exhausted that it isn't absorbing but the more questions you do, it will retain. This is the best I can do, but still I don't know what's gonna happen during my exam, only God knows.
Hope it helps. I understand it all depends on how much time you got and what works for each person.
I did the Saunders and finished it - both book and the cd. I still do the re-testing everyday on my cd and made notes. Trying to memorize and familiarized both figures, content and you name it. Well, I'm hoping that I will pass and the rest that will be taking the NCLEX.
Yep, just being patient, determined and focus - that's what really counts.
Today, I'm taking a break. Need time for the brain to rest. :brnfrt:
189 Posts
I memorized the infection control mnemonics and it helped me answer a ton of questions on the nclex without even stressing about it. So thanks to whomever made those up!!!