Published Aug 30, 2012
25 Posts
I'm very nervous because I tried the trick and it let's me go to pay, so a question does anyone have passed after failing the trick ???I run out of time !!! I took my Nclex today and I'm like freaking out!!! I think I did t pass! I took the hardest tess, and the worst, put in order!!! Somebody give me some hope! Im nervous and I really think I didn't pass I did 138 questions!!!
221 Posts
Sorry to hear that you ran out of time. However, based on my experience with Pearson vue trick. When I tried and do the pvt and let me through to the cc, I failed.
OMG!!!! Im so scared I think if I don't pass it I won't take it again!!!
I see a few ppl only saying that the trick Didnt work! that they went to cc and then found out they passed , but the mayority said that it works! Some ppl give me some hope !!!
For now wait for you final result. But just keep on fighting til you conquer nclex. When I failed first time, I was frustrated and discourage, but realize I just need 1 more push to move forward and be a RN. So I went back studying after I failed and reschedule to take my second attempt in45days. Time goes by super fast. I'll be taking my second attempt next week sat. I'm so nervous, but I did my best to study and move forward. Hopefully on my second attempt I'll pass.
I wish you the best!! I know you gonna get it! Now you know what's the Nclex about, and you don't have to be so scared. I killed my self studying learning all the meds, learning every disease and symptoms all the ranges and I thing i got like 3 of the hardest things to learn all the basic base balances 1 by 1 the acids and alkaloid depending on the body!!! I didnt even got one!!! It's all first prioritize situations
For prioritizing. PDA helped me a lot. You might want to look for PDA by Linda Lacharity. I feel that it helped me to think critically prioritizing patient.
What do you mean by PDA?
Prioritizing, delegation, and assignment by Linda lacharity
Ohh I'll look into it ! Thanks :) But I have to se first if I passed! The trick is letting go to cc ;( im thinking I didn't pass!
269 Posts
From what I know, the trick is pretty accurate. If it does not let you re-register for the exam - you have passed. If it lets you re register and takes you to the credit card page, then you failed.
I tried PVT it works.. It didnt let me re-register and I passed.
I hope all goes well with you. Good luck!
The trick it's true I didn't pass omg!! I feel so bad!!!