Published Nov 21, 2011
2 Posts
Hello, I am going back to school after being out of school for 20 year, i m married and have 3 kids. I just took the teas this past weekend and did not think I would pass as really did not study as much as I wanted to. I really wanted to see what it was like and what I need to really study for next time. I just get worried that this is going to be my major roadblock to getting into nursing school. I am not the best test taker so that does not help. I was happy has I passed the science part. I am still not sure the reason for this test as it seems like a lot of stuff a person will not need. And positive feedback would be greatly appreciated. I keep telling myself I can do this.
501 Posts
Hi Kristen,
Don't be discouraged if you did not do well on the TEAS exam on your first try. Most nursing programs allow you to take it more than once, so now that you know how the test is you can better prepare for the next time. I got a 76% adjusted individual score on my first try and I retook it this Saturday, and I was way more relaxed and calm the second time since I knew what to expect and how to manage my time. I think the TEAS test is challenging, but if you have the passion and motivation to become a nurse you can definitely pass it. What materials have you used to study?
lifelearningrn, BSN, RN
2,622 Posts
I got in the high 60s and got accepted into a good BSN program. They look at grades too- different schools weigh TEAS differently- but two of the best programs have pretty low acceptable scores- one is 58 and the other 64. Obviously the higher the score the better- but a lower score doesn't automatically count you out, I'm proof of that. :)
4 Posts
what program did u get into?
Texas Woman's University- Houston campus.
so for TWU you can only take the TEAS V test once? I already took version V twice. Will my highest one count?
60 Posts
Hello, I got 74 on TEAS V and 3.8 GPA. Is that competitive enough to get into TWU nursing program ? or do I have to retake it?
I took it twice, and to be honest, I don't know which score they looked at. (I did worse the second time).. what did you get? At TWU the lowest score you can have is 64 and UTMB it's a 58. Meaning they do accept people with lower test scores.
I had a lower TEAS V and a slightly lower pre-req GPA and got in. Did you retake any of the sciences? It seems they weigh that heavily.
CNA1991, CNA
170 Posts
i think practice tests serve well and help with the real test. it must be so hard as a mom to go back and study after all this time. perhaps there is a way you can prioritize your time more so that you have time to study? also, i heard that slyvin learning centers has tutors for the mcat so they might have teas tutors as well, although i am not sure. if you can afford it, it never hurts to hire a tutor or take a few community college math classes to get you back up to par. good luck!
I didnt retake any science courses yet bc my science GPA is 3.8. ( I got one B for microbiology an one B for AP II, the others are A) should I retake the Teas? What semester did u get accepted?
I got accepted for Spring. I don't think it will hurt to take it again if you think you'll do better the second time around. You should call and ask if they look at the highest score or the latest- if they look at the highest, it wouldn't hurt to retake it.