took nclex 7/29/13

Nursing Students NCLEX


Phew! Just finished taking NCLEX RN. Finished at 170 something questions. When the computer stopprd I was in shock. Walked to my car, still in shock. I had no idea how I did through out the test. Usually people say they can tell when they're doing bad etc, but I felt like my questions stayed the same difficulty level throughout the test, which worried me a lot. I was preparing to go to 265. I felt very comfortable taking the test, I was familiar with a lot of the questions (thanks to kaplan and hurst). Lots of conference questions and alternative type questions. I'm so relieved it's over with though. I couldn't help but try the pvt, and so far have the good pop up. Crossing my fingers that I see my name on ca bon site. Thank you all for the support, tips and reassurance! time to relax

You seem very prepared!! I only got a 61 on qt 7, go into the test site confident!!

Stelon, I checked at midnightand it wasn't up yet. But this morning the site updated!!

Thanx....I am trying to do some sata questions before going there. so im going to practice a few on them on the nclex 3500 online

those are easier compare to idk

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