Published Jul 22, 2010
3 Posts
i took the kaplan review and failed the nclex on my first attempt..... what is everyones opinion on hurst review, saunders review, etc......... why did you prefer one over the other!!!!!
1 Post
I did the hurst review (Live session) it was good for content review, and making sense of "real" situations. Also, did Kaplan review book (not live session) I read the whole thing front to back and loved the way it outlined what was needed to analyze the questions.
38,333 Posts
Sorry to hear you were unsuccessful the first time. Best wishes on your retake being a pass.
Natingale, EdD, RN
612 Posts
make sure u get ur rebate from kaplan
i took kaplan, im taking the exam tomorrow. i think kaplans questions force u to critically think, i have 15 percent of questions left to do and question trainer 7 -- ive been scoring a solid 68 on kaplan between the readiness exam and the trainers 5 and 6
I really hated kaplan with the first instructor, called to get a refund..they talked me into trying another instructor, and i am covered for the guarantee ..i did it, and i learned so much more. i only use the decision tree when im really stumped, and i can at least eliminate 2 wrong answers
just keep working at it, you'll pass ..i mean u got this far, the nclex is just a little bump in the road, pick urself up and try again
In NY we have Ready To Pass, they have the same pass rate as kaplan, and they only cover content. I dont know if thats available to you, but its another option
Good luck
908 Posts
i understand your frustration. take some time off, refocus and start preparing again as if you've never tested. go over as much material as you can and answer nclex style questions. read the rationales for both correct and incorrect answers and that will help you study as well. when prioritizing, remember to look very closely at acute vs chronic problesm, real vs potential problems, and of course use your abc's and keep your patients safe. do not let your anxiety build up and stay positive. you will get through this test and will succeed! :)