Just wanted to share with everyone. I took the NCLEX today for the 1st time, I graduated May 4th, 09. The computer shut off @ 75. I had 10 SATA, 1 drag and drop, 2 OB, 2 peds, 10 meds (I never even heard of )4 psych, 4 endo, and the rest was a TON of infection control and prioritization, but no math. I can honestly say I feel like I only knew 2-3 answers, it just seemed like they didn't want to know anything I actually knew :0) Anywhoo, it's over now so we'll wait and see what happens; I am in Fl so I'll know in 48 hrs via quick results. I also tried the Pearson trick and did not make it through to the CC page. Wish me luck...