Took NCLEX-RN on 7/16


75 questions 1 1/2 hrs I left feeling like I had just walked out of a tornado. I did the Pearson vue trick and got the good pop-up but still holding my breath till my quick results are ready.

You and me both!!!

Specializes in Surgical ICU nurse.

Me too. I know they say the PVT works but I need to see it officially posted on my state BON. We don't have quick results here. Should be posted tommorrow. Congrats on all those who passed. I am still in shock mode that it's all over....

Ok. Just took the NCLEX-RN today! It Stopped at 75, took me 3hr to finish it cuz I sat there hungry, sleep deprived, and panicked! Went to my car n tried the Pearson view trick and got the good pop up!!! ???????

Specializes in Surgical ICU nurse.
Ok. Just took the NCLEX-RN today! It Stopped at 75, took me 3hr to finish it cuz I sat there hungry, sleep deprived, and panicked! Went to my car n tried the Pearson view trick and got the good pop up!!! dde02dde02dde02dde02dde02dde02dde02

Congrats!!!! Feels good to be done with it. Felt like a dark cloud just hanging over me now that I have taken that test nothing but clear skies.

congrats to all!

how were your exams? and what did you all use to prepare?

Specializes in Surgical ICU nurse.
congrats to all!

how were your exams? and what did you all use to prepare?

I did ATI and the Illustrated NCLEX review book. Did questions from LaCharity and read Kaplan.

I did Hurst live review and the delegation/prioritization book "La Charity".

I had mostly MOC, delegation and prioritization. Some pharm and a little bit of electrolytes. No IV therapy and no DM!! Go figure... Lol. But I think it's a bit different for everyone. I'm never really good at MOC n prioritization, n the test is geared to pick up on ur weaknesses n strengths... So I think I had Tj seat the n prove myself OB the points I wasn't sure of....

I had mostly MOC, delegation and prioritization. Some pharm and a little bit of electrolytes. No IV therapy and no DM!! Go figure... Lol. But I think it's a bit different for everyone. I'm never really good at MOC, prioritization, n the test is geared to pick up on ur weaknesses n strengths... So I think I had to seat the n prove myself on the points I wasn't sure of....

I'm sorry, but what is MOC?

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