Published May 16, 2011
3 Posts
I have recently been accepted to OHSU school of nursing. I am excited and scared. I am currently 50 years old. Does anyone think that this is too late to be starting a nursing career? I have a friend that is currently attending ITT nursing school in Boise, Id. She will only attend school a couple of days a week and finish in less than two years. I will be in school for 3 years, by then, I will be almost 54. I am afraid at the University I will be surrounded by young people in their early 20s. At ITT tech, the age range seems to be for people in their 40s. I guess I am just worried that I will be the only "old" person in the class. I know it is foolish to worry about "fitting in" but I think we never outgrow the feeling of being the odd person.
139 Posts
Well how old will you be if you don't follow your dream?
60 Posts
I say go for it !!!! :yelclap: You are going to be "54" someday anyway, so why not be "54" and be a nurse ?
15 Posts
congratulations on taking the leap! The great thing about nursing is it attracts people of all ages from all walks of life!
I wouldn't worry about being the oldest, I attended nursing school when I was in my 30s. There were people both older (and of course younger) than me. The teachers always said they LOVED the mature age students (life experience and all that).
Good luck to you
25 Posts
Although I am only 25, I say go for it and follow your dream. I feel like nursing school attracts a large variety of students. In my nursing school we ranged from 20 years old to over 50. It was great to have that variety as you learn from the older and the younger.
Good luck!!!
10 Posts
I completed nursing school at age 49. I will NEVER regret my decision to follow my dream. Walking across that stage to receive my nursing degree was, by far, the proudest moment of my life. BTW, there were several students older than me.
75 Posts
Some of my favorite RN classmates are in their 50's (I'm 30) & they bring a lot of unique life experience and perspective to the mix.
Go for it!
7 Posts
Everyone of us is aging. Don't give up!! Surround your self with positive people. Age shouldn't be a factor in your life. I say go for it!! All of us have fears. Face them head on and you will reap many rewards.
Flo., BSN, RN
571 Posts
We had a 92 year old graduate from my program. It was her life goal to be an RN but her husband didn't want her to. After he died she signed up for classes. =)
122 Posts
Heck no you're not too old !!!!! Go for it :)
8 Posts
I just turned 40 and I am on track to start my clinicals in fall 2012, I say go for it. At the end you will most def reap the benefits. Time is against everyone, no matter age or status. start now finish soon!
42 Posts
Completely understandable, I think the hardest thing to do is go against the so-called "norm". Much respect for pursuing your dreams despite this feeling, it takes courage- you are awesome!