Too old for nursing school?


Hi all. If you have asked yourself if you are too old for nursing school. Let me assure you that you are not. I have been a nurse for about 10 years and this is a 2nd career for me. My first attempt at college 30 years ago was a waste of time and money. I knew where all the parties were but the classes, not so much.

Fast forward, to 11 years ago, I found myself divorced, a single mom, and scared to death about the example I was setting for my daughter by never finishing college. I took the first step and headed to the local community college, embarrassed by my transcript but thankfully that they welcome everyone. My journey began...LVN, ADN, BSN, and MSN in 2017. I am sharing this to help someone else begin their journey. You can do it!


Thanks! I am 86 and my doctor says that it's a bad idea. But if you believe that I can do it, then you must be right! ;)

I can relate to you quite a bit, my first attempt at college was, well trash to be blunt. The same as you, knew where the parties were and didn't give my classes the time and attention they required. Plus, I did pick a major that would have never been good for me to begin with. I would likely never have found a job even if I did finish. But, no reason to get into all that.

After much hard work at a low paying entry level job, paying off old student debts and having a family of my own; I decided it was time to get the career I had always wanted. What was I going to take? Obviously nursing was calling me.

I was 30 when I started my prereqs, and am attending my nursing courses this fall (I got in! yay!)

My only regret is not starting in nursing sooner, but considering my past I might not have made it through back then anyway. I have changed my life to set a good example for my two sons. Their father and I aren't married, yet. He is the most supportive wonderful father and I am so lucky.

Just from being a part of this website, I can see that there are plenty of downsides to this field, but I am overwhelmed with the supportive community all of you nurses have formed here. It is a wonderful thing to see, and it is an honor to become a part of it. I cannot wait to start my classes, and I am confident I can do it. I thought I would share, because at first I thought maybe it was too late to start over, and I was very wrong. There are many in my classes who are older than I am, and I respect them so much for taking the leap.

Thanks! I am 86 and my doctor says that it's a bad idea. But if you believe that I can do it, then you must be right! ;)

Lol. Quite often, someone will say "You can do ANYTHING if you work hard enough. Don't ever give up on your dreams." Okay to a point, but some dreams are not realistic and generalizations just don't always work.

Same with "Nothing's impossible" I read recently on a thread here. Uh, not true, some things are actually impossible.

Specializes in Emergency / Disaster.

I'm in the middle of this too. Fears stopped me from doing it years ago and oddly divorce got me going again too. With a kid in high school that I was homeschooling - I went back and finished my undergrad. At one point I was taking 3 programming courses myself and teaching her Advanced Microbiology and Calculus. It seemed we spent the entire year together at the kitchen table studying and talking. Looking back - it was actually a good year even though both of our heads were spinning from the other garbage going on. When I realized that my degree would have me traveling - I had to backup and punt. I'm taking care of my mother and grandmother (not where I have to be there every day but enough that I can't be gone most of the month either), I decided to switch to something that would provide flexibility for the needs of my family and zero travel.

Tomorrow I take a final and after that class I can officially submit my application for school (I have to know if I received an A in the course to be able to apply for priority admission) and then I hope to start in January. If all goes according to plan - my last semester will end on my 47th birthday. The most interesting part about all of this is my daughter will be graduating from college at the same time. We are praying that we do not graduate on the same day because I really don't know how I would handle that!

Im in my first semester of school and there is a massage therapist in my class that is 56 years old, she's in better shape than me lol (30 y.o).

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
Lol. Quite often, someone will say "You can do ANYTHING if you work hard enough. Don't ever give up on your dreams." Okay to a point, but some dreams are not realistic and generalizations just don't always work.

Same with "Nothing's impossible" I read recently on a thread here. Uh, not true, some things are actually impossible.

Some advice is so Quixotic that I have to restrain myself from busting into "The Impossible Dream." :singing: :laugh:

I mean at 30, 40 is one too old? Of course not -- lots of college students are the non-traditional type. Actually at least half of my nursing cohort was over 30...

But to say nothing is impossible? Not true.

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