Published Aug 7, 2007
29 Posts
Hey Ya'll, I take my NCLEX today at 3. I have studied and studied until I'm sick on reading about NG tubes, ICP, positioning, and nursing interventions. Hopefully went I come out on the other side I will be a RN!!! Please guys pray for me!!! I'm so nervous!!!
ernbabjr, BSN, RN
147 Posts
Good Luck Ms. Rosewood2003 you can do it>>>
GOD BLESS..:paw:
47 Posts
hey rosewood..i take mine today @ 1:15pm..hopefully we'll report back to the group on thur wit good news...good luck to ya!
131 Posts
good luck to you ms. rosewood and moetiny!! you're both in my prayers and to everyone who'll gonna take their exam.
Okay Guys, after 265 questions, 4 choose all the apply, only 1 math problem, and 5 hours of pure hell, I walked out with my head low!!!!!!!!! All the studing I did for the pass 2 months after failing the first time was so not worth it. I didn't know jack on that test. There was a few moments where I thought I was going to lose it sittin' there. I'm praying that God has mercy on my soul and brings RN behind my name Thursday!!!
Let us know how you did !
11 Posts
Best of luck. You can do it. I take mine on Aug. 28th. Take your time and breathe!
God Bless!:nuke:
Thank you guys for all you kind words, but ya know its really hard to stay positive when if you get 265 items it can go either way!! I will keep upi guys updated!!
heyy roseweood did u pass? i didnt..i found out today that i failed after 160q's and now i gotta start the studying all over again. it sux. hope u passed..let us know.
I'm sorry to hear that, Moetiny. I'm sure you'll pass next time. Just keep on doing bunch of Qs until you pass out. You're lucky to get your results fast. Geez, I didn't get mine yet and it's 8 days now :trout:
november17, ASN, RN
1 Article; 980 Posts
I took mine the 10th (today) and I don't think I passed. I know that a common theme. I think I had 130 questions but I stopped paying attention to the counter after I hit 110. I don't care...I'm paying the $7 to find out if I passed or failed on tuesday!
there were some questions on there and I'm about 90% sure that the drugs they were asking about were completely made up. Stuff I had never heard of.
One question was something like..
"You are taking care of a mormon. What kind of diet would you give them?"
A. 3 glasses of skim milk daily.
B. No citrus beverages.
C. A serving of oleo with a bagel.
D. Red meat.
That wasn't the exact question or answers...but it was ridiculous and off the wall. Oh, and I was so nervous I started to have an asthma attack right when I hit question 35. Thank god I thought to bring my albuterol inhaler with me (I rarely carry it because I have asthma attacks about 2 times a year). I was trying to be all boy scout and prepared.
120 Posts
I've yet to find any method to the madness that is NCLEX. It has no relationship to the way we tested in nursing school or the content.
The icing on the cake is nothing out there looks like NCLEX. It would be easier to swallow if you could see your mistakes or maybe have a state approved book of information. But there is none.
So these NCLEX prep courses make a killing on those who fail or those convinced they can't pass without them.
I guess you can tell I failed. Hehe.....
Good luck to all of you.