To be or not to be...that's why I need your help!

Nurses General Nursing


[color=#964368][color=#964368]hello everyone,

[color=#964368][color=#964368]i've been reading and reading up on all your comments and questions but still find myself torn. let me explain where i am coming from before i ask my questions. i graduated with an associates degree in graphic design and printing technology back in 2004. was told it was going to be easy to get a job, turned out there were no design jobs available for newbies anywhere. all required a bachelors and 20+ years of experience. well, i am 7 years later in a dead end job at a printing company. and i need a change. i make so little i can't really afford anything more then a studio apartment. nothing really great. and i don't really like what i do. i'd rather my time be spent doing something important then not.

[color=#964368][color=#964368]here is where i lead into the reasons for the medical interest. in 06 i started getting lower abdominal pain. went to the obgyn, and got an ultrasound done. i was no sooner confronted with the reality that i had a solid mass. it had the possibilities of being cancer, and a full hysterectomy may be needed depending on the results. now i am only 22 years old at this time, so you can imagine my shock and devastation. i hadn't even found out if i wanted kids yet. it hit me pretty hard. after surgery i was relieved to find i was still intact and had endometriosis cysts. not a tumor like they thought. phew right? but wait! what is endometriosis? after learning what it was and finding out i had a sever case. i was immediately put on depo provara. a year later...had the same exact thing with yet another surgery. half of my left ovary was taken to spare my uterus. i was warned if it were to happen again despite the measures taken. a hysterectomy would be necessary. of course i was frightened. i was just told your chances of having kids is pretty much gone with the way things were going. thankfully it has been almost 5 years with no other cysts. but i still live with that possibility that it will be taken away everyday.

[color=#964368][color=#964368]after this of course my thoughts about kids changed. i went from, probably no kids, too...of course i wanted them! i found myself fully interested in the whole baby/birth process. i also started watching birthing shows and a few medical shows more and more. shows on the list? "untold stories of the er", "welcome home baby", "a baby story", "mystery diagnosis", and "er: (insert location)". i noticed myself getting use to some gruesome images that years ago i would flip the channel at. i found myself loving discovery health when it was on. i would watch it at some point almost everyday. but my heart always went back to those maternity shows. i love, love watching "deliver me", "i didn't know i was pregnant", and "pregnant and.. " and want to start watching "one born every minute" when it starts. i fell in love with the medical field and the mystery of the human body.


[color=#964368][color=#964368]after watching and absorbing all these shows, info, etc. i found myself really interested in pursuing nursing. i went to the local school here, found information, and am trying to figure out how to go to school and work at the same time, etc. now here is my problem. i cant help but be scared! i've never taken care of anyone in a physical manner or even thought about it. i've never been good at math or english. i don't know if i can handle the physical cleaning/bedpan/poop/etc.(i gag easily), and honestly grosses me out a little. i heard that's something you get over. but it's the medical information i love. i want to learn to take care of a cut, what things mean on a monitor, to understand what conditions are, what to look for, what to do to treat it, etc. these are life lessons. not something that will waste your time by any means. i find myself envying the people in scrubs when i walk into a clinic or hospital. it's a job to be proud of! but i can't help but wonder if it is the right job for me. i always had it in my head since the endometriosis that if i ever took up nursing. it would to be a labor and delivery nurse. now that the fact it could be a reality frightens me! can i handle it? am i in it for the right reasons? (money is a nice bonus when you make close to nothing now). will i like it? will it be something that will interest me for the first few years but then hate it? and after reading up on it, can i even make it to l&d? i'm sure some of these have to be questions everyone ask at one point, but where it is that the line is drawn. where you say, yes your good for the job, and no your in the wrong field? i mean do i sound like it's right for me? is there another position in the medical field that is better? i don't know. i just...don't know.

[color=#964368][color=#964368]to help me, i have applied to volunteer at our local hospital to see what it is all about. hopefully they will let me see more then just one area so i can get the full idea. waiting on their call back now. i also missed this years admissions, decided too late (had to get over my fear of change). though i look at it as maybe it's for a reason. maybe i'm in a phase, maybe it is to give me more time to do my pre-reqs. i don't know. i just want to feel this way in a year. feels like forever from now though.


[color=#964368][color=#964368]i apologize for this being a long read. i just figured i couldn't get my questions out without the background story. anyone that can give me some ideas/reassurance/guidance/advice/etc? greatly appreciated.

[color=#964368][color=#964368]thanks guys! :)


Specializes in Med surg.

I feel bad that some of the nurses on this blog really dislike their jobs I guess I am one of the few who always wanted to be a nurse and yes its not the most money or the most glamor but I love what I do I learn more eveyday and I think the CNA thing is a great idea before spending all that money on nursing school find out if you even like the enviornment and can deal with it

Wow guys! Thank you so much for your comments :D. You actually made me feel better. I love babies, and that whole birth processes. But I am finding you need a BSN to even be considered for L&D or even NICU. That would be my all time goal after all of this. I try to convince myself that if you just deal with the unsure stuff, you can work your way up to it.

I'm scared now about the pay though. I get $12.62 an hour now. How much less do you guys really make? Online averages $19-$28 an hour. I'm already at the top in my department (before supervisor), and there have been no raises at my company.

As for the design dream. I found quickly after doing a logo with a client I hated working with people and design. And by now I have lost all my knowledge from college and would have to go back. So in the end I basically have to go back to school anyway.

I also want to thank you guys for taking my (overly long) post seriously. This is a serious decision that only you guys can help me with. So thank you again for that. Much appreciated!

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

In your next to last post you stated "you hated working with people" I took that out to highlight it.. In nursing you will see people at their worst and yes many do behave badly. Sometimes its not the pt themselves but other times it is the family that is hard to work with..

People do strange things when sick or scared.. We as nurses do not see people at there best. I understand that babies are your passion, but don't forget... those babies have mothers and drama attached.. Babies born with FAS, addicted to drugs, etc... Keep reading posts on here. If you can shadow a few places.. I had serious shock when I hit the floor.. I never knew it was gonna be this way..


Well, I guess you could say I had a bad experience with this client, and I found design was more fun on my own. Trying to explain to someone that their font choice is a design no no, and I'm sorry that's copyrighted we can not use that. Got to be too much. Drained all the fun out of it.

Yeah I'm actually nervous about dealing with all of that. I've always avoided being near confrontation. Just another life lesson for me to learn. Get out of my comfort zone. But I would like to think that at the end of a rough day. They appreciate at least some things you did/told them.

I'm actually looking more and more forward to volunteering. I want to just get in there and see what it is all about. And hopefully, I still am interested! Summer classes start soon so I have to decide quick!

Oh and thanks for your comment Sun0498 :o I really appreciate it! It does sound like I will get a shock too. But, I may need it!

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

hahah.. I understand.. Just wanted to point out there are two sides to nursing.. While I do love a lot of things about the work I do, I dislike just as many.. It is that way with all professions tho:) We do have to take the bad with the good.. Some days are great, others are better left in the past. Either way, if this is something you want, you will find a way. I did it with 3 kids, hubby and 3 part time jobs. I don't think anyone can really know what it's like until they are doing it.. School nor clinicals prepared me for the "real world" lol, yes they did with skills and the basic knowledge but not with the rest :)

OP, you need to do some research into what type of edu you think you can afford, and requirements as they can be quite individual. Many schools (not all) require you to have current CNA for entrance into the actual nursing program.

I pushed you into CNA really because volunteering is just more pussyfooting around the elephant in your room. Volunteering will not put you close enough to the action, and might still let you have a pipe dream of what things are like. Time will pass and you won't have anything concrete to go off of by volunteering.

Can I me ask you something Sun0498? Did you you feel the way I do now before you started? Now in it, do you regret it? Or are you glad you got the education you did, despite the annoyance. Do you feel what you learned is rewarding and comes in handy outside of work? Do you sit back now and think. I'm much better off then I was? These are what I am hoping I will feel/think. But I'm getting mixed messages from nurses stories all over the net.

Thanks again for your comments :)

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.
Can I me ask you something Sun0498? Did you you feel the way I do now before you started? Now in it, do you regret it? Or are you glad you got the education you did, despite the annoyance. Do you feel what you learned is rewarding and comes in handy outside of work? Do you sit back now and think. I'm much better off then I was? These are what I am hoping I will feel/think. But I'm getting mixed messages from nurses stories all over the net.

Thanks again for your comments :)

Not sure if I felt the same way as you.. I am a tough gal, while I like to be there and help.. I am not so much the hand holding type.. I am very into what I do and my pts do love me. But I am straight forward, task oriented type of person.. I do love to help, but more so for the ones that can't.. I still have my soft spot but nursing is tough.. You wear many different hats depending on what is needed at that time.. I hope that makes some sense LOL...

No, I don't regret it. I do love what I do for the most part.. Management and the way health care is so customer service friendly has put added stress on us. Those two things do not go hand in hand all the time.. People do not want to get up and walk after surgery but we as the nurse must get them too for their health, to avoid complications.. I know my pt would love to have a 20 ounce pepsi but so sorry; your sugar is 450... I can't give that to you.. See it is a balance.. I do have to say NO sometimes.. that is not very customer service friendly :)

I do feel I am better off.. I enjoy working but at the same time there are things about it that drive me insane.. I think the mixed reviews is because it is tough.. I have 7 pts a night on a high acuity renal floor.. We have pts crash all the time. I don't see many happy endings. But I still love it.. It is more stressful than anything I have every known. I love my co-workers and the hospital is great.. My floor is just tough. Not every floor is like mine but the issues are similar. I do have to agree with the poster that said become a CNA first.. While it wont give you 100% of what a nurse does, it will give you first hand info that will help you decide if this is what you want to do..


I already talked with the local community school, and they said experience does nothing to get you in. All they care about is grades, grades, grades. So with the summer coming up, I can get my prerequisites out of way. And when I do volunteer I plan on asking about CNA. I work full time right now, and don't have a lot of money to throw at school. So I guess I have to pick carefully on what I do. But I will consider all my options!! I appreciate your comments :)

I also wanted to say that no one on here who has read my post has said I'm off my rocker! So I guess that is a good sign that maybe I'm not crazy for thinking about this. You guys have all been supportive and given great advice. You guys are really amazing! And basically I got that, I need to grow up, and "put my big girl pants on", and just do it. It will be tough, and a shock, But I just need to learn to accept it. And just be prepared that it is not a fantasy movie film. It's life.

I'm thinking now I really want to work towards Neonatal Nursing/Labor and Delivery. And getting there is going to require a lot of hard work. And from right now 5+ years. huh... I guess you could say I already made up my mind :) Oh but I am still open to comments and advice! This is a major career change and you can never hear too much information!


Thanks so much for writing back and answering my questions. That is what I like to hear. No regrets! I actually like having a list of things to do, and check them off as I go. So maybe that part will be ok. As for telling a pt no. I can handle that lol. And 450! wow that is high. What did you do to bring it down?

I can only hope I make it into the specialty I am looking for. But I know I will feel much better saying I'm a Nurse" then, "Oh I'm a Desktop Operator". Ha, at least people know what a nurse is! Plus I like knowing that if I ever (if got willing) have a family. I can take care of them with the knowledge I learned. When my 2 year old nephew got his arm twisted while playing with his dad. (ended up being Milkmaid elbow). I almost fainted because it was the emotions of. "OMG what happened" and "is he ok?". I don't want to ever feel like that again. I want to know what to do, and feel confident. And my great aunt is sick in the hospital and I just wish I could help her. Things are going on that don't make sense to me but I have no way of saying it is wrong or right. So I'm really looking forward to the skills and knowledge you gain.

oops sorry, wrote a lot again.

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