Tips, tips, tips? :)


Hi fellow nurses! 

I'm going to be a new school nurse at a public school starting this September. The only specialty I have is in med-surg and step down unit. No peds experience!

I'm going to have a day of orientation with the former school nurse, but that's it. I have visited the school and it's around >600 kids. There will be a sub nurse coming in a few times out of the week for a few hours.

Are there are any tips that I need to know or any resources you may have found useful? What do you usually do on your first day? I believe there is hundreds of paperwork piled up on your desks. 

Also, there are a few asthmatics and type 1 diabetics in the school. 

Thank you so much. :) 


Specializes in kids.


WIll they give you any time this Summer to get in and review the files? Especially for immunization compliance! That will give you an idea of who needs what, as well as allow you to become familiar with the kids special medical issues.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Welcome!  The beginning of the year is the hardest.  Lots of data entry with immunizations and health plans.  Triage your school and prioritize.  Probably developing a good relationship with the diabetic student and his/her family is most important!  You found the best place for tips and advice!


Specializes in school nurse.

The Northeastern University School Health Academy has some good online classes that would apply to your situation. Some details are state specific as regs differ from place to place, but many things are "universal" in school nursing...

Specializes in school nurse.

Any chance (or interest) is working at a Summer camp this year? It's very much like "school-lite" and would help you get into your new job groove...

Welcome!  As is tradition on our board, "One of us! One of us!" 

Just a forewarning that this specialty is wayyyy different than inpatient experience, but I'm sure you know that already.  However, your inpatient experience will be very valuable.  

Take a day or two to orient yourself to the building you're in and who your contacts are.  Principal, other admin, office staff, clerks, counselor(s), cafeteria staff (you'll want to be 'in' with them for the sake of your diabetic kiddos), etc.  Know what the flow of your school is.  If you can, run a report of which kids have chronic medical problems and which will require medication and/or procedures throughout the day.  Familiarize yourself with your school and district policy as it relates to your practice.  Get to know everyone, especially the people you will work closely with.  I work really closely with my special education department and retrospectively it would have behooved me to get to know them before I just started showing up to ARD meetings.  Oh yeah-- familiarize yourself with ARD and 504 meetings, because I had not a clue what those were when I started!  

It will take some time to feel fully comfortable and confident but every day is a new learning experience.  Good luck!

Specializes in kids.

Also join your state association and NASN (National Association of School Nurses), invaluable sources of information and support

Specializes in School Nursing.

You will find that there are many, many job responsibilities. My top simple 5 recommendations as you get started this school year are:

  1. Find a good mentor
  2. Review and make a list (digital or paper) of students with current health concerns
  3. Take great notes to reference from year to year
  4. Call the parents
  5. Stay organized

Best of luck!

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