Time expired @158 Question


Need some encouragement! Took the Rn exam read word for word and time expired at 158 question. It felt like the computer wouldn't cut off at all. This is the 5th time I've taken this exam. Honestly I'm tired with this. I'm terrified to look for my name on the sbn just to see record not found. I truly not taken this exam again. If time expired @ 158 questions and the computer couldn't determine if I was safe, how is someone checking it by hand going to determine my safety. The last question how do I know if the computer was cutting off or continuing. Help--help???

Specializes in Ophthalmology.

did you tried the pearsonvue trick?

Are you saying you ran out of time at question #158, as in you did 158 questions in 6 hours, or the test stopped at question #158?

158 in 6 hours? is this for real?

how many minutes did you spend in 1 question? it seems like 6hours is a long time for 158..

or did you ran out of time?

Specializes in Cardiac.

6 hrs? I think you are reading way too much into these questions. Good luck, I'd hate for you to fail after all that...

did you tried the pearsonvue trick?

what's the trick? I don't know nothing about this trick. Pls. Give more details?

158 in 6 hours? Is this for real?

How many minutes did you spend in 1 question? It seems like 6hours is a long time for 158..

Or did you ran out of time?

time expired @ 158 questions. I paid $200 for this exam and i can take as long as i want on one question. This was an advice from my review class instructor. She state who paid you or boards. I had to take a different approach because this was my 5th time taking this exam.

Specializes in Ophthalmology.

there is a long thread here about the pearsonvue trick.

time expired @ 158 questions. I paid $200 for this exam and i can take as long as i want on one question. This was an advice from my review class instructor. She state who paid you or boards. I had to take a different approach because this was my 5th time taking this exam.

No, you cannot take as long as you want for one question. I think your instructor meant that, in general, you can take as long as you want for the exam because 6 hours is usually more than enough for most people to finish. That would be very unfortunate if the time ran out at 158 questions rather than the test stopping because it determined you passed/failed.

Oh and from what I've heard, if you run out of time, the test looks back on the last 60 questions completed or something like that and you had to have gotten them all correct.

no, you cannot take as long as you want for one question. I think your instructor meant that, in general, you can take as long as you want for the exam because 6 hours is usually more than enough for most people to finish. That would be very unfortunate if the time ran out at 158 questions rather than the test stopping because it determined you passed/failed.

Oh and from what i've heard, if you run out of time, the test looks back on the last 60 questions completed or something like that and you had to have gotten them all correct.

disagree with that quote.. If thats true it would have cut off b4 158. Yes they do go by the last 60? But not all correct. If thats the case it would applied also to those whom cut off at 75 bc 15 is omitted....

disagree with that quote.. If thats true it would have cut off b4 158. Yes they do go by the last 60? But not all correct. If thats the case it would applied also to those whom cut off at 75 bc 15 is omitted....

123Jeannie, I am not sure I understand you correctly. Did you run out of time, meaning using 6 hours to complete 158 questions or Did the computer screen went grey after 158 questions?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
disagree with that quote.. If thats true it would have cut off b4 158. Yes they do go by the last 60? But not all correct. If thats the case it would applied also to those whom cut off at 75 bc 15 is omitted....

Because you ran out of time they will only look at the last 60 questions and how you answered them and whether they are higher level of questions. You can still pass but taking too long answering a question can make you over think the question

Best of luck anyway and hope you get your results soon

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