Published Feb 14, 2014
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
I remember a time when people got together for some pop. Now, it's coffee. Do you have a coffee shop in your school or surrounding area? Do you spend a lot of time there? I know some people who drink 32 ounces of coffee within 3 hours. Yikes! So, How's your Coffee Shop experience?
805 Posts
I went to school in San Jose, CA. If you are ever over by San Jose City College, thee is a little coffee shop on the corner across from Wendy's. They have THE BEST mocha's and cinnamon rolls.EVER! I would go every day before class and have coffee and a cinnamon roll. Yum! If you ever get a chance to try them, do it. (I don't remember the name of the cafe, but I was told it is still there).
CountryMomma, ASN, RN
589 Posts
During clinicals, we love to hit up this little coffee kiosk that has the most amazing lattes. And they're priced relatively cheap compared to the starbucks in town. When we are at lecture, my friends and I like to drink half-cappuccino, half-coffee mixes from the gas station down the road. Cheap, more caffeine, and more options for flavor than the little snack bar on campus. There aren't any actual coffee shops in our little town anymore though!
186 Posts
I live in Boston. We have this gem called Mary Lou's. Sugar Free Red Bull with a shot of strawberry syrup. It's fantastic and gets you through the worst clinical. :)
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
While there are coffee shops all over the place, few of them are close enough to campus or our clinical locations to be useful to us while we're there. That being said, there are a few shops that are glad to have us! What's nice is that the kiosk on campus does serve good coffee so we don't have to go far when we're on break.
A&Ox6, MSN, RN
1 Article; 572 Posts
Now that I take classes online, I live at Starbucks. In fact, one of my usual locations know my regular order of a tall dark roast with a venti ice. They tell me when my seat is taken, and ask me where I've been when I take a few days of work