Thoughts on OCC nursing teachers.

U.S.A. Michigan


I should be accepted when i apply, and i allways check out rate my prof to get a feel for my teachers, but i cant find to much on the OCC nursing staff.

any recommendations or stories about your teachers? What are your thoughts?

i dont get it?

Specializes in Med-Surg/Trauma.
i dont get it?

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Hope someone comes along and lets you two know about the OCC nursing staff!

i graduated from occ and i'll be honest with you the instructors are terrible. they are not being fair to students at all. they are so mean. the instructors pass or fail the students depends on whether they like the student or not. for example, one of her favorite student forgot to take blood sugar of her patient and when the staff nurse took the blood sugar, it was over 300. this instructor told her to be careful next time. when one of her disliked student took blood sugar two times because she didnt have enough blood the first time, she wrote her up and tried to fail her. i dont know if these instructors are trained that way, but they will pick one student and bullies her. i had this one instructor who had another instructor come to our clinical unit and told the students that she is training this new instructor and this instructor followed one student and told our instructor everything that this student did wrong. and our instructor waited until 6th week(clinical is 7 week long) and told her that she is failing her.

I will start OCC nursing tomorrow. It is my first year and I have already taken pharamacology this past spring to get it over with. So far I have only heard of a few instructors that were not so great. My pharm teacher and a few others that I have met at Nursing functions have been great. They have told us that they are there to help you, not fail you. It's up to you, not your instructor. You have worked so hard to get to where you are and they acknowledge that at orientation and other gatherings. I will be starting the RN program so I don't know if there are different teachers for the LPN program because the LPN's are based out of the Southfield campus instead of Highland Lakes as far as I know...I could be wrong. You can't let an instructor get you down. I know I will have a hard time, it's not going to be easy! I have been told that you should stay on top of things, to not get behind and do all of your prep points, you should be ok. They have so many resources available for help. Get to know some students and have study groups, go to the ASC and get a tutor, talk to your instructor. I hope this makes you feel better about the program! :nurse:

I just started the RN program and so far, I've been pretty happy with the instructors so far. There is a lot of confusion/disorganization involved in the lab for 1410 with so many instructors and none of them seem to be on the same page, but you get the same instructor each time for skill checkoffs so just learn it her way and you'll be fine.

At first I thought there was a lot of negativity with the instructors, but after quietly watching them struggle to keep the same people quiet all the time, I think I understand. They're also more relaxed than they were the first week.

The coursework can be overwhelming if you look at each and everything you have to do instead of planning your time, but it's not difficult work (yet). Although I'm sure as time goes on, things will change but for now, I'd say they've been the best instructors I've had at OCC.

Top things you can do to insure that they single you out and give you lots of grief: show up late, let your phone ring during class, bring drinks into lab.

Avoid those three things and you'll be just fine.

Hope this helps.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Instructors can and do read the internet so it is better not to mention individual names and instead stick with hints (being on time, no cell phones, etc). Thank you everyone. This is a stressful time but please know it does get better and in 10 years you will look back on nursing school as just a bump in the road.

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