This is the stupidest thing I have ever done.


I did something so stupid that it astounds me. I was working a third shift last night and decided to ride a soiled linen cart like superman, oh I hope no one from work hears about this. Well after about two feet on the linen cart one of the wheels snaps off, I roll of it and land in the floor with a linen cart on top of me. I went and got the housekeeping/laundry woman who takes it to the laundry room and puts a sign on the cart, basically "cart broke". The nurse and I quickly scrambled to make up the "truth". I am sore all over tonight. I attribute it to lack of sleep and temporary insanity brought on by listening to a resident screaming for her medicine for 10 hours, having one woman use her clip alarm as a call light despite the fact that her roomate has one too and has recently developed a bad habit of getting up and falling very hard (basically me running up and down the hall trying to keep roommate from falling only to find out she's too cold and wants the blanket pulled up. Plus I took one woman to the BSC about 20 times last night, she fights against you trying to position herself the way she wants and it just makes me crazy!!!!! Anyway, I am basically waiting for them to call me and tell me I am fired or that the "truth" didn't fly. It was made of PVC pipe, I guess they can fix it by going to the hardware store. I would even be willing to pay for the pipe it takes to fix it. It was PVC for goodness sakes, I should have known better than to think it would support me.

You sound like alot of fun, I'd like working with you!!! :chuckle

You sound like alot of fun, I'd like working with you!!! :chuckle

Yeah, I'd like to have 3 just like him. Who says good help is hard to find. :uhoh3:

Who says good help is hard to find. :uhoh3:

Well, the nurse he was working with apparently didn't have a problem with him.


Being hysterically funny is no cause for getting fired!

Hope you enjoyed the respite from reality.

If the "stupidest thing he has ever done" is to break a linen cart, I'd say he has nothing to worry about......

I am a stick in the mud, I never do anything impulsive. I had been asked to come in and work a double because one of our CNA's brothers died in Ohio and she had to go to the funeral. It was awful, two halls with about 20 total residents. I had worked 10-6 the night before and only got about 6 hours of sleep before going back in for 16 hours of work. I have been a CNA for 2 & 1/2 years and the only other time I ever broke anything was a bathroom sink, I went to get the wash cloth out of it and leaned on it and it fell out of the wall and into my knee. Head of maintenance said that I had to have been putting all of my weight on it to have it fall. The 30 year old piece of junk was secured with screws that rusted so much that they had broken in half.

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
You sound like alot of fun, I'd like working with you!!! :chuckle

Ditto! My thoughts exactly. I hope your "truth" flies.

Specializes in ER.
If the "stupidest thing he has ever done" is to break a linen cart, I'd say he has nothing to worry about......

That is exactly what I was thinking! LOL, Did I ever tell you about the time I climbed to the top of a water tower??? Well, we all lived to tell the story anyway.

And, no I never told my children either!

I do not recall a water tower story but I would like to hear said story.

Specializes in pedi, pedi psych,dd, school ,home health.

even if the "truth" comes out, tell them you were on your break and trying to keep everyone awake!!!:coollook: I remember doing fun things to keep us all going when i worked nocs. no harm done !

Definitely, Chad; stop stressing. I love to work with people who can have fun at work and not take themselves too seriously. You sound like a great guy to work with, and I know from previous posts that you are passsionate about providing your residents with superb patient care.

That old linen cart was probably on its last legs, anyway. Sounds like a lot of stuff there is in need of an overhaul!

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