This is so hard! How do I do it?


I just recently began my final year of the nursing program and I am already completely overwhelmed. This is by far one of the hardest things I have ever done. I've sat all evening trying to figure out how to balance everything, study more effectively and completely, and I'm just at a loss. I've done great in the program so far, but now I feel like I don't even know how to study! If the rest of the year is like these first couple of weeks, how will I ever survive? If you have any advice that will help me, then please let me know!

LOL... Reading your post is giving me flashbacks!!! I just graduated on Friday. I too questioned my ability to finish my nursing program at times. I tried very hard to balance being a mom to three kiddos, a wife to my hubby, and being the best student I could be. Needless to say, I eventually decided that I would be the best student I could be because people were putting their life in my hands and that my kiddos and my hubby would eventually forgive me. The kids are 10, 8, and 5. Needless to say we all survived and I am now starting to study for NCLEX and I start my new job September 1st. Despite how you feel at this moment, you will eventually be looking back and feel amazed as I do that we made it!!! Hang in there. As impossible as it seems, you WILL make it.

There was a quote that one of our instructors shared with us and I can't seem to find it, but the just of it was...

Things that seem impossible at this moment will seem to get easier with time. It is not that the task becomes easier, but that your knowledge and skill increases so that you are able to address the task in a more knowledgable manner.

You can do it!!!

Specializes in NICU, Nursery.

Yes, you can get through this! :)

All of us have been there and were still alive and sane, thank God. LOL. ;)

It is a long and hard road that just never ends. Up to now, you can't really say that we're having the easiest time. It just needs a little getting used to. And nursing school is the start and a good preparation for it! Though when you're done, it's the true test of reality that will hit you real hard- be warned.

Study, study and give your best. Know your stuff well, because you have to nail it hard on your head so that you'll still remember it years after you graduate. Have fun once in a while- it can get crazy I know. And be with friends. Maintain and have good relationships with your peers because you'll still be in touch with them after school.

Don't be disappointed this early! Trust me, there's more to come. Prepare yourself always for things that you don't expect.

Good Luck! :)

Specializes in Telemetry.

You will be okay. I have one course to go and it seems very difficult but we can do it. Just keep your eyes on the prize and you will be okay.

Specializes in Operating Room, Long Term Care.

I'm in my last year of nursing and I remember first semester being the hardest to organize. After a few weeks it all falls into place and you'll figure out what needs to be done and when. Just don't let it discourage you because we lost some great students first semester because they felt overwhelmed.

every semester is different and every semester your body will automatically adjust to the stresses thrown at it. good job at your accomplishments so far and early congrats on your graduation ;)

Specializes in CVICU/ER.

I am a dad to a 3 year old, the breadwinner (I work two hospital jobs) and my family depends on me. I am in a BSN program full time and only have 2 semesters to go. It seems impossible at times, but like everybody that was before me, I will graduate just like you will. It just is a very difficult juggling act that is hard because it takes so much away from the family that I love.

We are all going to get through this.

Specializes in Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry.

Honestly, it's perfectly okay to feel like this! It's preparing you for the challenges you'll face as an actual nurse and if you've made it this far, the finish line is just a few blocks away!

During my final year (eeek! flashbacks!) we were doused with leadership activities and presentations. It seems as if they had forgotten that we had other classes/clinicals/tests to take care of. However, I wouldn't trade that experience for anything because I was able to prove to myself that I am capable of achieving great things; and you are too! :p

In order to survive my last year, I settled for using a crap load of post-it notes, note cards for memorization skills, and crazy-lady note-taking methods that consumed my dorm room! But it made the transition that much easier because I had all of my much-needed information within close proximity.

Also, make a detailed weekly checklist for yourself. Perhaps you can do this every Sunday during some downtime. Write down all of the things that need to be done on which day and include the deadline time (also include when tests are so that you can plug in how much time you need to study up until that point. That way, on each day, you can check off the things you've completed and in the long run, this will teach you how to complete some of the tasks earlier or you can cluster them together and kill 2 or 3 birds with one stone! (I wouldn't recommend actually killing birds in a barbaric manner, but you get my drift!)

I wish you the best in your last year of nursing school. ENJOY every second of it because it will fly by and before you know it, you'll be like the current new grad RNs who are making an even bigger transition into the wonderful world of nursing! :heartbeat:heartbeat:heartbeat

Have fun and happy trails! :yeah:

NurseThis21, BSN, RN :nurse:

UIC Alumna

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