Published Mar 23, 2009
5 Posts
I am a student planning to become a nurse. I happen to know someone working in a nursing home that is learning to become a director of activities and is currently working that position. Many of the residents at this home are very sick and many of them have severe mental illness's. From what this person has told me, one activity that is being held once a month is having a relative come in and preach to the residents. This relative is a follower of the teachings of Kenneth Copeland and Orel Roberts (who are televangelists). As far as I know, no other religious speakers have been welcomed to come and speak. I am absolutely disgusted at the thought of this person taking advantage of their position for personal beliefs and the ego of others. And not only that but, this is ok where she works. Am I making too much out of this, or is it as wrong as it seems?
highlandlass1592, BSN, RN
647 Posts
So what is your actual problem with religious services being held in a nursing home? And why do you bring up who this person has followed (stating they listen to Kenneth Copeland and Oral Roberts)? I actually do think you are making too much of nothing. Many nursing homes I've visited have religious services for patients...just because they are in a nursing home doesn't mean they have to give up their beliefs. The people who come in to conduct these services are usually volunteers (or have been in my case) and get nothing for coming in.
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts
It's very likely that the people coming in aren't going to preach a specific belief. It's been my experience that spiritual support is pretty generic, so that everyone can benefit.
60 Posts
not wrong, the patients have a right not to participate in the services, there is no forced participation.
besides that they're mentally ill and severely ill and its only one weekend a month, honestly how much of the message do you think is sticking around?
I'm sorry, I should have been more descriptive in my first post. Thank you for taking the time to respond. First of all, my main problem with this is that this man is not a minister but is just a normal person coming and preaching. I happen to know this man and I am afraid of these people being taken advantage of and being influenced to send money to these televangelists. I would not be so upset about this if this man was a minister or had a religious background like that. This is not a religious service, this is simply a relative of the person that works there. Also, no other religion is being brought in and I feel that could be influencing these people even more so. This worker and her relative are even going as far as having these people repeat chants and and prayers. This person has arranged for each of these people to have a copy of the sinner's prayer hanging on the wall in their room. Even worse than that, this relative tells them that they only die if they lack faith and that they are healthy so they won't die. He is encouraging them to such an extent to stop taking medication.
56 Posts
Unless the nursing home is funded by a christian chruch... and EVERYONE has the right to REFUSE to listen to preaching nonsense.... what they are doing is wrong. It is a captive audience and, from your description, without the capacity to make an informed decision.
Like most religions.. they are preying ( no pun intended ) on the weak minded.
I think I would drop a dime to the state or federal entity that certifies LTC facilities. These people must be STOPPED. this is bordering on criminal in my opinion.
Now that I know more, I agree.....something has to be done to stop this.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. This is something that has been bothering me for some time as someone going into nursing. As a future nurse I wish to remain neutral. I think that I will be dropping the dime. This director of activities started out as a nursing aid and was handing out bibles then as well when there was no discussion of religion. This is not a religious home at all. There are many stories of neglect and these patients are looking for attention. And again, just to be clear, this man is not preaching generic religious beliefs but the religion of Kenneth Copeland and Orel Roberts, as well as his own. For someone like me, who plans on working long term geriatric, I would not want my grandparents put into a position like this.
RochesterRN-BSN, BSN, RN
399 Posts
sounds pretty unethical to me......I would definately be contacting the state. And to think I have an interview tomorrow at a LTC facility...yikes! I hope I don't have to deal with anything like this!
Good luck and it sounds like these residents are lucky to have you looking out for their best interests....I am confident you will be a wonderful geriatric Nurse.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Yikes... I have never been one for religion, tho, I do believe in God. I do know that especially in the elderly, there can be great need for a closer relationship with God. It would get my gander up too if I felt someone was trying to manipulate people... "God wants you to...such and such." I always worry that the next words will be "God wants you to give me all of your money" which is more often the case.
1 Post
Hey there,
I'm so glad you're concerned about all the folks at that center - sounds very common. I would be weary about making claims though, against this person or people until you personally witness what is going on. From what you wrote, it sounds like you are basing your concern on hearsay, not personal experience, and if you want to really know what is going on, you need to personally witness the supposed abuse. Unless this particular facility is a cult, I am assuming that there are employees who are not religious, and would object to "brainwashing" if it was going on - AND, you can bet that the nurses, med aides and caregivers would most likely be very alarmed if the person was encouraging residents to not take their medications.
You can ask to meet with the facility director and question the relationship of this individual to any employee, resident, etc, and also find out what other volunteer organizations/individuals speak at this facility. You can also go in and spend time with the residents and ask THEM if they are uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, long term care facilities are a rich environment for gossip, half-truths and suspicious people. Yes, abuse certainly occurs, and the best way to prevent or stop it is to first become as informed as you can about the exact nature of the suspected abuse, and then act on it. But make sure you know exactly what is going on, being careful to not make accusations based upon second-hand accounts of people who aren't even directly involved.
Best wishes - I'm thankful you care so greatly!!
Hey...thanks for all the advice, unfortunately I happen to know the director of activities and the person coming in-they are family. I can't even begin to express the disappointment in knowing my own relatives would do something so selfish and disgusting. I'm going to report this anonymously. Really can't thank you all enough for taking the time to give your take on it.