Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

Just curious as to what you would say. Mine goes something like this: Nurses Relations Video Nurse Life


Hi, my name is AngelfireRN, I'll be your nurse tonight.

I am not a waitress, nor am I your slave.

Yelling and hurling obscenities at me will not get you your pain meds any sooner than they are ordered. Nor will having your family member or entourage do the same.

Threatening lawsuits and having umpteen family members camp out in the halls or hold up the nurse's station will not get you preferential treatment.

Physically grabbing me as I go down the hall is NOT a good idea.

I do not give the orders, but I do have to follow/enforce them. This is something that you should take up with your doctor.

No, I will not call him again to ask him for more pain medicine. He has been called twice and has said no both times.

No, I will not give you his number so you can "straighten him out".

No, you are not my only patient, and I highly doubt that you are single-handedly paying my salary. On the off chance that you are, let's talk about a raise.

NO, NO, NO, I most empahatically will NOT come get you when it is time for your next pain shot while you are having a smoke break. I also will not bring it to you in the smoking room. (Have actually said that, I am allergic to cigarettes. I did it once, had an asthma attack, desatted to 83, and turned blue, according to the patient and my charge nurse, after the patient had to help me back to the floor).

No, I don't really care if your family has not eaten all day, they drove here by themselves, they are not sick, and no, I will not call for 6 guest trays. (This of course, is if the patient in question does not need all 6 family members present, and is not at death's door).

No, you may not have 3 six-packs of soda from the kitchen, there are other people that would like a snack, too.

No, they will not open up the kitchen up just for you, at 1 in the morning, because you don't like the snacks we have on the floor.

I could think of hundreds, but those will do for a start. I know it sounds mean, but this is why I got out of bedside nursing. When a hospital becomes the Hilton, I'm gone!

Have fun!

imburnedout said:

Not just patients, my own family members as well (in-laws), people never cease to amaze me:

We actually had to evict a patient out of the nursing home because his wife was getting his check every month but refused to pay his bill. I later learned that ours was the third facilty he had been evicted from for the same reason.

**With this particular doc, we've actually had to send the police to his home to get him when he won't answer pages, calls or faxes when he is on call for ALL the docs in town**

Just my rant's but then.... I'm burned out.

The first patient: WOW!. Just WOW!. How cruel - and how long before word gets out and NOBODY will take him?

As for the doctor issue, we too have a doctor, who looks after LOTS of patients, who answers pages whenever he feels like it. Calling the police - never thought of that!

Specializes in Staff Dev--Critical Care & Trauma.
SoundofMusic said:

I dont know where to get "help" for this feeling? Where can I go? Any books to read? Suggestions? If a hard lecture is what I need -- then by all means, someone step up and do it. I just don't know where else to turn with these feelings. I am a Christian person, but somehow, my faith isn't coming through for me here . . .

Well, first of all, it's completely normal to feel this way. We are only human after all, and resentment builds against our wishes. Most of the time it works to simply acknowledge you feel that way, then let go.

When you can't, you need to go a step further and talk to someone who understands. Forums like this one are actually quite helpful for that. Not only do you get to vent safely, but you will hear that you're not alone.

If it's becoming a festering problem that's actually affecting the way you interact with others, then you need to leave. Not nursing, necesarily, but where you are working.

Back when I started, I worked in cardiac care. I loved, and still really enjoy cardiac medicine. However, I hated the patients. I hated dealing with fat, diabetic, smokers who thought that all they had to do was come to me for a cure and then back to their old lifestyle. I hated that people in general didn't care about their health until too late. I hated people blaming their crap life on "genetics" and "oh well, since I'm doomed anyway, I might as well have this side of rare beef..."

Hated. Hated. Hated.

So I moved to trauma. Where I dealt with gangbangers, wife beaters, child abusers, murderers, a-holes who would kill families while driving drunk, or idiots who thought it was a good idea to car surf.

You know what? It doesn't bother me. Not one stinkin' bit. I don't like these people per se. In general they're a pretty dispicable bunch. But as a nurse, it doesn't bother me. They're in pain and I help them. They're scared and I comfort them.

Now why is it that I can't stand the one population (the one where genetics really can give you a crap hand) and work so well with idiots and bottom-feeders? Beats me. No accounting for taste, I guess. My point is that I'm a thousand times a better nurse dealing with one group than another. If I stayed in cardiac, I'd be an angry, eat-our-young sort of nurse. Instead, I give what I can, and leave satisfied and fulfilled.

All of this is the long way of saying, your feelings might not mean that you're a bad nurse, or not cut out to be one... maybe you're just helping the wrong people.

Or maybe you're just in a funk. Heaven knows we all get in one now and then. Eventually you'll get out and be wiser for it.

Either way: talking helps.

Specializes in Making the Pt laugh..

MNC RN you have hit the nail on the head. While I am stil relatively new to nursing I have found that I have certain populations that I am able to work with better than others. In my instance I need to wait for more experience in particular fields to move into the area of nursing that I wish to specialise in.

In the meantime I have developed some coping mechanisms of my own. I talk, with a group of colleagues over a few drinks, (this is a group that I started my pre-nursing education with... we are still close). I try however to only bring home the "fun" side of nursing home, funny stories or the ones we "saved". If I told my wife the bad side of nursing or vented with her we would both be unhappy, she reminds me of the good side of this career decision when things are harder.

Another thing that helps is sites like this, I started a thread while still a student because of a situation that I found on ward. I realised that everyone had a similar enough experience that they gave me good advice that helped me through the rough patch. Reading the humour threads also helps...(I have my favourite threads).

If these things don't help there are organisations who have mental health professionals who specialise in providing counseling and coping mechanisms to health providers who are going through a rough trot with work.

Good luck with finding something that works for you. Just dont lose faith, "Not all patients are idiots! You can't help the good ones if you let the bad ones get you down" (The bad ones also make the good ones that much better)

Specializes in Staff Dev--Critical Care & Trauma.

Then, of course, there's the little things I've discovered over the years:

- Everyone dies sometime. The only differences are how soon and how well.

- We can't cure poor judgement. If they came with it, chances are they'll leave with it

Finally, for those really, really hard patients:

- You get paid to care FOR them; you don't get paid to care ABOUT them.

Specializes in Staff Dev--Critical Care & Trauma.
SoundofMusic said:

I want to be dedicated to people who are sick - not people who are faking it to get drugs and feed their terrible habits.

I was just re-reading this thread and noticed this quote, which I guess I didn't spot before. I'd just like to point out that one thing that may help you: These people are also quite sick. Maybe not in the same way as your other patients, but they are sick.

I only point that out, not as a reprimand, but as a different perspective. Sometimes a change in perspective is all we need.

Also remember that not everyone is likable. It's not your job to like everyone. It's your job to be the best nurse you can be. If the best for this patient is getting the prescribed meds on time, calling the doc if there are issues, and not slapping the grin off his face, then you did what you need to do. It may not be your finest moment, but it won't be your worst, either.

Thanks, MNC -- last two posts are duly noted.

Contemplating it all and letting it sink in . . . :stone

Thanks to everyone here. You all "precept" me here as much as they do at work. I'm so glad I have this site, or I think I'd totally lose my sanity.

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

What I would LOVE to say, especially to the patient in room 21....

I'm your nurse. I'm here to save your butt, not kiss it.

I had a patient that other day that weighed about 300 pounds, was a two pack a day smoker and ETOH abuser that would constantly yell at me about the hospital food, saying she only ate "organic." Oh, the many things that went through my mind to say. . .but I bit my tongue and went about my business.

I work in Family Planning. I would love to be able to say....

please donot call to make an apointment and when I ask what day/time you say "as soon as possible" that means absolutley nothing to me there is no time slot for as soon as possible.

You know good and well that you are supposed to order your contraceptive supplies by mail-don't keep saying that "noone told me that" ever month when you come in to pick up your pills because you "forgot you were running out"

If another person complains about birth control pills being 10 DOLLARS PER PACK!!! I'm going to have a serious meltdown. I suppose you would rather pay $50 per pack at the pharmacy.

Please don't get mad that you cannot be seen for an appointment when you walk in off the street. YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT FOR ANY SERVICE what part of that didn't you understand? Please don't stand at the front desk and argue with me- once again If you donnot have an apponitment you will not be seen. PERIOD!! I don't care about your burning when you pee-if it's that bad go to the ER (sorry ER nurses)

Please don't get mad at me when you have exhausted all of your scripts for EC and caresource will no longer cover them. You can either pay the 30 bucks or you can stop having unprotected sex-the choice is yours.

How about taking some responsibility for your own actions and stop yelling and hollering that if you don't get your pills and you get pregnant than it is our fault. No it is YOUR fault for having unprotected sex.

No I will not look in your throat and see if it "looks like gonorrhea-we donnot do throat cultures therefore I could care less what you have going on in your throat-call the health department like I told you!!

Please don't call and ask me how it's possible that you tested positive for Chlamydia,Gonorrhea or Trich when you have been with the same guy/girl for "6 months" and

you have only had sex with each other. You know as well as I do that someone has been cheating on someone if it looks like a duck,walks like a duck,sounds like a duck then it must be....... a duck!!

it irks me when patient's come up to the check in window complaining that they have been here for x amount of minutes and there appontment was at x time and there were 3 0r 4 people that were called back before them that got her after them. Please have a seat and wait your turn or kindly reschedule-I will not go all the way to the back to "see if they forgot you" unless you willing to come behind the desk and check in these 20 people that just signed in while I traipse all over the clinic doing your bidding.

I irks me more than ever when I room a patient and I ask are you on any birth control and they say yeah and I say what is it and they say "I don't know" Ohhh so you just take pills that you have absolutely no idea what they are, hmmm smart move. Also telling me "it's the one in the blue pack" does nothing for me.

I HATE when people call and say I need to make three appointments for me and my friends, then I say okay give me the first one's birthday, then they yell hey so and so what's your birthday, then I say can you put so and so on the phone so that they can make their own darn appointment!!!!:banghead:

How about the ones that come in and say " I have these "bumps on my private parts---those are not Bumps, those are ulcerations you have HERPES!!!! then they promptly say " so what do I have to take pills or something?? AHHHH you have a disease that you will never be rid of!!!

What really makes my day are the ones who come in for gonorrhea treatment and they insist that they don't want a shot of rocephin, they bawl and cry and complain that they "hate needles" and is there any other tx, I just want to say-how about you just let that gc run rampant in your system until your loins catch-a fire??

or the patients who test positive for trich and they ALWAYS use that classic line, "could I have gotten this from a toilet seat?" No you got this from promiscuos sex practices or a nasty,filthy,dirty sex partner you tell me.

The patients that are level b meaning that according to their income they get 80 PERCENT OFF!!! they are the quickest ones to cpmplain about there 40$ bill for their entire annual exam including, pap, pelvic exam,breast exam, and birth control method 40 bucks for all that!!! and you are gonna sit at my window and complain. I actually had a lady say "How do you people sleep at night?" I said You have just received over $200 worth of services, I think 40 dollars is a small proce to pay. I would be thankful if I didn't have insurance and I was able to recieve gynecology and family planning services based on my income when so many other have no access to health care at all!!" that shut her up pretty quickly.

how about the ones who come in for a "quick pregnancy test" with a friend or two and then the two friends decide that they had just better get pt too, even though they hvae no reason to believe they are preg they just want to jump on the bandwagon-- meanwhile there is a girl who is having a serious crisis preganncy and has to come back tommorrow for a pt becuz you idiots have taken up the last of my walk in slots grrrrrrrr

The ones who cal in to "check on test results" when they have been told NUMEROUS times that we will not call them with a negative test result but that we will inform them ONLY in the event that they have a positive relut or abnormal pap.... Maybe that's why you haven't "heard from anyone in weeks" oooo belive me you WILL know if something comes back positive even if the health department has to step in!!!!!

What really annoys me are the 20 somethings who come in for birth control and are so adamant about wanting us to use code names and alternate addresses, phone numbers that mommie and daddy don't find out that they are a patient.... Heaven forbid someone thought you were being responsible in preventing and unplanned/unwanted pregnancy...don't you think it's about time that you told your parents that you are on birth control I mean you're about to graduate college!!!

Plan B/ EC (emergency contraceptive)/The morning after pill--IS NOT A METHOD OF BIRTH CONTROL donnot come in here every week to purchse it

&then look @ me like I'm crazy when I kindly offer you a brochure on available birth control methods as well as info on STDs!!!

NO.... YOU CANNOT BE MORE THAN 15 MINUTES LATE FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. PERIOD.. if your Cooch issue was that serious you would have been here on time!!

Don't call demanding a same day appointment for an annual exam, same day slots are reserved for people with seriuos issues meaning UTIs, std tx and "bumps" on their genitalia.. your precious paps not that important in the sheme of things and therfore you may have to wait until *gasp* tommorrow!!

What really frys me are the underaged girls that have figured out that they will qualify as a free patient if they say their parents don't know that are a patient and then gabbing on their cell like "yeah mom I'm still waiting" then they get an exam,diflucan for a yeast infection and a years supply of BCPs and when they get to the check put window I say you have recieved XXX amount of dollars ( usually several hundred) worth of services.. are you able to make any kind of a donation?? They say " No!!!!! You can't even give us 5 bucks and you just frauded us out of very expensive services!!!!! Frys my buns every time!!!!

There's this one lady that came ino the clinic one day and kept inistsing that she was told that she was going to be free by the nurse that she talked to on the phone- she kept being really pushy and didn't even want to fill out the forms to apply for reduced fees becuz she did not have any income yet when I asked her if she was recieving public assistance she said no- also said replied no when I asked her if she was living with someone who was supporting her, I told her that quite frankly it would be impossible to live alone without any help and no income unless she was living in a shelter which of course she answerd no to I asked her if she was living of of a savings account she said no and got all huffy with me asking me why I'm asking her all these questions. I then decided that rather than have the hassle I was going to authorize her as free patient. I told her that she could be free today but after that the best we could do would be to give her 80% off which is a darn good deal in my opinion. After about 15 monutes she comes up to my window all huffy and attitudey and says " How much longer is it going to be... BECUZ I'M ON MY LUNGH HOUR AND I HAve TO GEt BACK":yeah::chuckle:chuckle What an idiot talk about foot in mouth. I took one good look @ her and said..You just told me that you are unemployed.. I'm goging to need you to bring documentaton of your income and you cannot be free until I get those documents. She started stuttering and says.... I'm only per diem there its a temp agency. I said that's still income and I need a recent paystub. needless to say she decided to reschedule her appointment.... I just had to share that funny story!!:loveya:

PS soory for the typing errors I'm gettin purty tired and don't feel like correcting them, you get the drift , right??

Specializes in Gerontology.


Keep in mind that: I actually said this to a patient, and that I did not get away with it.

I said this when I was overworked, overtired, and dealing with some personal stress. This does not excuse my actions. Remember, though, that as a nurse, you may experience the combination of factors I did. Make a different choice.

Patient was admitted to my unit after his third, or fourth suicide attempt--overdose. Vented in the ED but waking very nicely, thank you. After confirming that he was, in fact awake and able to appropriately follow commands, we extubated him.

He immediately began a foul-mouthed tirade against my hospital, about how horrible the care was, about how he would rather have gone to such-and-such hospital, but they didn't give him a choice, etc. He started flaming me personally, and all of my fellow staff had the pleasure of his wrath as well.

I had had enough. So at one point I snapped and said...

[Wait for it.]

"Well, the next time you try to kill yourself, do a better job!"

Ah yes - reminds me of the time I told a penile implant pt who was really c/o about post-op pain. (and I quote) "Thats what you get for sticking thiings where they don't belong" ( open mouth insert foot, something I am very good at!). Luckily for me, - the pt had a very good sense of humour, and laughed.

Specializes in OR, PACU, GI, med-surg, OB, school nursing.

"I am not a waitress. I am not a maid. I am a nurse. I have other patients with real medical needs. After I take care of everyone's medical needs, then I can get you more ginger ale/another pillow/more magazines/find your TV show/rearrange your pillows AGAIN."

I really said this to a VERY needy woman who was on the call bell every frickin' five minutes for trivial requests.

Specializes in NICU.

What's that you say? You're "close personal friends" with some doctor on the opposite coast who has some sort of professional connection with one of the 20 attendings on our unit? Well! I was planning on accidentally extubating your grandson, giving him the wrong dose of the wrong med at the wrong time by the wrong route, and then dropping him on the floor when I go to change his bed linens, but now that I know THAT I'll take GOOD care of him! :rolleyes: