24 Things ER Nurses Know All Too Well

Specialties Emergency


1. Don't tell me you have abdominal pain as you eat Doritos in my triage booth.

2. If you come to the ER by ambulance, the first thing I will ask you is how you are getting home. No, we don't have people on staff to drive you home, and don't tell me you don't want to "bother" one of your family members at this hour. You had no problem bothering 911 for the back pain you've had for 3 years.

3. You DON'T get to pick your own IV site. This will irritate me and I will probably miss your IV on purpose and start your site in the place I wanted to initially to prove a point.

4. "Butterfly" is not an IV size, this word signals me to put in a larger bore needle, preferably a 16g.

5. Nausea is not a reason to come to the ER. If you are not in severe abdominal pain, are not vomitting or pooping your pants in front of me, your butt goes back to the waiting room.

6. How can you have the worst migraine of your life, but you are able to yell at me about the wait time after you just put down a magazine you were reading?

7. Don't ever say things like, "I usually get 4mg of Dilaudid." Requesting your med and dosage will promt me to squirt out half of the med before it's injected, then lie about the dose.

8. If you are allergic to Tylenol, Toradol, and Motrin, I have already assumed you are a drug seeker.

9. I don't care if you are neighbors with the GI specialist. Unless he drove you to the ER himself, you can't be that friendly.

10. Just because "my doctor sent me here," does not mean you get right back to a treatment room. This tells me you are a pain in the a$$, and he's pawning you off.

11. The louder you moan and wine, the bigger size IV needle you get.

12. Foley catheters cure psuedo-seizures and intoxicated persons.

13. If you are on more than 2 medicines at home, bring a list. Don't say, "you know, the little white pill," or ,"look it up, it's on the computer." I am NOT a pharmacist.

14. RN is not synonymous with waiter/waitress

15. Don't wine about missing breakfast when I am on the tenth hour of my shift and still haven't even peed or eaten yet.

16. Broken toes are not an emergency. We'll make you feel stupid by putting a little piece of tape down there and kicking you out.

17. I am currently inventing a trapdoor system in triage to be triggered when you say the word "toothache".

18. Cover your mouth for crying out loud when you cough, sneeze, or belch. This is just common courtesy. When you neglect to do this, I am tempted to bust butt in your room, then close the door.

19. If you tell me you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, know that I'm rolling my eyes and thinking you're a loser.

20. If you list Haldol, Geodon, Xanax, and Trazadone as allergies, don't ell me you have no psych history.

21. Although you've been in the ER four times this week, you cannot list the ER doc as your family physician.

22. Do not talk to me while I'm trying to listen to your lungs.

23. Don't tell me you have no money for medicine while you have a carton of cigarettes in your purse (next to your cell phone), and each of your seven children are playing their own PSP's.

24. Gravida 7 at age 22 means you are a tramp.

Specializes in Emergency, Critical Care Transport.

I'm new, but...

If this is your 69th visit this year, and you have told the MD *and* me *and* the unit secretary that ONLY 4mg of Dilaudid will alleviate your pain, you're hungry and you want a tray (even though you have "10/10"

abdominal pain)


there is a pediatric code in the next room

Then yes, I am going to IGNORE your call light. And I'm not going to feel any guilt.

-Don't physically and verbally assault the nurses and techs unless you enjoy those lovely four point restraints.

-#. Don't tell us that you felll on that *various item* that is stuck in your rectum while vacuuming, wrestling, sweeping, etc....we know how it *really* got there.

But then again, there was that one patient I cared for that DID get impaled on a limb through his rectum, and his leg, and his jeans, and etc....

-You have been given the same referral every time you came to our ED. So why have you come back a 5th time?

Specializes in ED.

Yes, you may stand here at the nurses station and use the phone to call a ride home, because we are not going to hire a taxi for you. BUT no you may not dial 911 to give you that ride home...yes, I know that they drove you an hour to our hospital for your non-emergency b/c you did want to go to the hospital in your hometown. Next time please think about this BEFORE you get here...yeah right!

-When the drug seeker asks how much Dilaudid they'll receive, make sure you trick them with math: "No, the Dr. didn't order 2 mg of Dilaudid for you; instead, he thinks you should have 1000 mcg." :throcomp:

-When you're a frequent flyer, don't ask me where the bathroom is or the directions to the exit. You've been to this facility more than I have!

Not to be a smart one here, but wouldn't 2mg = 2000mcg instead of 1000mcg? :D

Not to be a smart one here, but wouldn't 2mg = 2000mcg instead of 1000mcg? :D

That's just it. Someone expecting 2mg would be disappointed with a dose of 1mg. However 1000mcg sounds like a higher dose than the ordered 1mg.

Specializes in Trauma, Tele, Neuro, Med-Surg.

If...you were able to take yourself to the bathroom before you drove yourself here, and it turns out nothing is injured, just sore,

THEN...you do not need help to the bathroom here, nor do you need a bedpan or a bedside commode,

AND...YES...once discharged we do expect you to get up and walk out.

Specializes in ER.

#?? Vodka is not an acceptable part of a clear liquid diet.

Specializes in Neuro, ER, Acute, Home Health.

Dont you dare threaten the girl at registration for letting parents back to the ER with their 5 year old in anaphalatic shock that is out of it and practically not breathing, sorry you have to wait another hour to have your in grown toe looked at.

getting dropped off in ambulance bay bc they think they will get in quicker ****** me off to know end.

Specializes in ER, Trauma, ICU/CCU/NICU, EMS, Transport.
1. Don't tell me you have abdominal pain as you eat Doritos in my triage booth.

2. If you come to the ER by ambulance, the first thing I will ask you is how you are getting home. No, we don't have people on staff to drive you home, and don't tell me you don't want to "bother" one of your family members at this hour. You had no problem bothering 911 for the back pain you've had for 3 years.

3. You DON'T get to pick your own IV site. This will irritate me and I will probably miss your IV on purpose and start your site in the place I wanted to initially to prove a point.

4. "Butterfly" is not an IV size, this word signals me to put in a larger bore needle, preferably a 16g.

5. Nausea is not a reason to come to the ER. If you are not in severe abdominal pain, are not vomitting or pooping your pants in front of me, your butt goes back to the waiting room.

6. How can you have the worst migraine of your life, but you are able to yell at me about the wait time after you just put down a magazine you were reading?

7. Don't ever say things like, "I usually get 4mg of Dilaudid." Requesting your med and dosage will promt me to squirt out half of the med before it's injected, then lie about the dose.

8. If you are allergic to Tylenol, Toradol, and Motrin, I have already assumed you are a drug seeker.

9. I don't care if you are neighbors with the GI specialist. Unless he drove you to the ER himself, you can't be that friendly.

10. Just because "my doctor sent me here," does not mean you get right back to a treatment room. This tells me you are a pain in the a$$, and he's pawning you off.

11. The louder you moan and wine, the bigger size IV needle you get.

12. Foley catheters cure psuedo-seizures and intoxicated persons.

13. If you are on more than 2 medicines at home, bring a list. Don't say, "you know, the little white pill," or ,"look it up, it's on the computer." I am NOT a pharmacist.

14. RN is not synonymous with waiter/waitress

15. Don't wine about missing breakfast when I am on the tenth hour of my shift and still haven't even peed or eaten yet.

16. Broken toes are not an emergency. We'll make you feel stupid by putting a little piece of tape down there and kicking you out.

17. I am currently inventing a trapdoor system in triage to be triggered when you say the word "toothache".

18. Cover your mouth for crying out loud when you cough, sneeze, or belch. This is just common courtesy. When you neglect to do this, I am tempted to bust butt in your room, then close the door.

19. If you tell me you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, know that I'm rolling my eyes and thinking you're a loser.

20. If you list Haldol, Geodon, Xanax, and Trazadone as allergies, don't ell me you have no psych history.

21. Although you've been in the ER four times this week, you cannot list the ER doc as your family physician.

22. Do not talk to me while I'm trying to listen to your lungs.

23. Don't tell me you have no money for medicine while you have a carton of cigarettes in your purse (next to your cell phone), and each of your seven children are playing their own PSP's.

24. Gravida 7 at age 22 means you are a tramp.

...please tell me the name of your hospital - I don't want to come there

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