My sister & I are both nurses in different areas of practice at different hospitals in different communities, but both of our hospitals have told us that the staff will not get raises. Is anyone one experiening this at their hospitals? I've only been a nurse for a year now sp this would have been my first raise, but I won't be getting one at all now. There is a lot of frustration at my hospital over it. Recently, over a million dollars was spent to upgrade the orthopedic unit including all single rooms, flat panel TVs, a family room with cappicino machine and granite countertops through out the unit. They've also recently revamped out court yard; ripping out existing trees & putting more benches and lamdscaping. My coworkers are angry because the is money in the budget for those things, but not to give the nurse who work so very hard a cost of living increase. Any thoughts on this subject? Anyone with similar things happening?